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WCF streaming large number objects

I have a WCF service that query a database and returns a large number of records. There is so many records, that the server runs out of memory and fails before it can return.

So I want to send the records back as I fetch them from the database, or a set number back at a time.

For additional clarity, I cannot collect call records fetched into a collection on the server, as the server runs out of memory before I have collected all the records. I want to try and find away to send them back one by one or in chunks, in one call.

For example, in chunks:

  1. Fetch first 1000 records
  2. Add to collection
  3. Send collection to client
  4. Clear collection
  5. Fetch next 1000 records, and repeat from step 2

So the idea I have how the web service code will look something like this:

Public IEnumerable<Customer> GetAllCustomers()
     // Setup Query
     string query = PrepareQuery();

     // Create Connection
     connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);

     var sqlcommand = connection.CreateCommand();
     sqlcommand.CommandText = query.ToString();

     // Read Results
     var reader = sqlcommand.ExecuteReader();
     while (reader.Read())
         Customer customer = new Customer();
         foreach (var column in Columns)
             int fieldIndex = reader.GetOrdinal(column);
             object value = reader.GetValue(fieldIndex);
             customer[column.Name] = value;

         yield return customer;

I don't want to consider paging as the Order By on the SQL server is slow.

Looking for way to do this in WCF


  • Thank to mikelegg & Reniuz for helping come to a solution. I wish I could give them the tick for the right answer, but I am a afraid the next developer to read this question would not fully benefit. So where is what I ended up with.

    1. Setup the config files for the Server and Client (Follow link: Large Data and Streaming)
    2. Followed this solution, can download source code from here

    I had to change the DBRowStream.DBThreadProc method a bit to work so I post the source code:

    DBRowStream Class:

        void DBThreadProc(object o)
            SqlConnection con = null;
            SqlCommand com = null;
                con = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(/*ConnectionString*/);
                com = new SqlCommand();
                com.Connection = con;
                com.CommandText = PrepareQuery();
                SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader();
                int count = 0;
                MemoryStream memStream = memStream1;
                memStreamWriteStatus = 1;
                while (reader.Read())
                    // Populate
                    Customer customer = new Customer();
                    foreach (var column in Columns)
                        int fieldIndex = reader.GetOrdinal(column);
                        object value = reader.GetValue(fieldIndex);
                        customer[column.Name] = value;
                    // Serialize: I used a custom Serializer 
                    // but BinaryFormatter should be fine
                    DBDataFormatter.Serialize(memStream, customer);
                    if (count == PAGESIZE) // const int PAGESIZE = 10000
                        switch (memStreamWriteStatus)
                            case 1: // done writing to stream 1
                                    memStream1.Position = 0;
                                    // write stream 1 is done...waiting for stream 2 
                                    memStream = memStream2;
                                    memStream.Position = 0;
                                    memStream.SetLength(0); // Added:To Reset the stream. Else was getting garbage data back
                                    memStreamWriteStatus = 2;
                            case 2: // done writing to stream 2
                                    memStream2.Position = 0;
                                    // Write on stream 2 is done...waiting for stream 1
                                    // done waiting for stream 1 
                                    memStream = memStream1;
                                    memStreamWriteStatus = 1;
                                    memStream.Position = 0;
                                    memStream.SetLength(0); // Added: Reset the stream. Else was getting garbage data back
                        count = 0;
                if (count > 0)
                    switch (memStreamWriteStatus)
                        case 1: // done writing to stream 1
                                memStream1.Position = 0;
                                // END write stream 1 is done...waiting for stream 2 
                        case 2: // done writing to stream 2
                                memStream2.Position = 0;
                                // END write stream 2 is done...waiting for stream 1 
                bDoneWriting = true;
                bCanRead = false;
                if (com != null)
                    com = null;
                if (con != null)
                    con = null;

    And then the Client side:

    private static void TestGetRecordsAndDump()
        const string FILE_NAME = "Records.CSV";
        var file = File.AppendText(FILE_NAME);
        long count = 0;
            ServiceReference1.ServiceClient service = new ServiceReference1.DataServiceClient();
            var stream = service.GetDBRowStream();
            Console.WriteLine("Records Retrieved : ");
            Console.WriteLine("File Size (MB)    : ");
            var canDoLastRead = true;
            while (stream.CanRead && canDoLastRead)
                   Customer customer = DBDataFormatter.Deserialize(stream); // Used custom Deserializer, but BinaryFormatter should be fine
                    canDoLastRead = false; // Bug: stream.CanRead is not set to false at the end of stream, so I do this trick to know if I finished retruning all records.
                   Console.SetCursorPosition("Records Retrieved : ".Length, 0);
                   Console.Write(string.Format("{0}               ", count));
                   Console.SetCursorPosition("File Size (MB)    : ".Length, 1);
                   Console.Write(string.Format("{0:G}             ", file.BaseStream.Length / 1024f / 1024f));     

    There is a bug I cannot seem to solve, that stream.CanRead is not set to false, then all the records have been returned, have not been able to work out why, but at least now, I can query large data sets, and return all records, with out the server or client running out of memory.