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Angular 4 Animations don't work on iOS Safari 10/11

I've seen a lot of people around here talking about Angular animations. Well, no solutions is working for me. I'm currently using Angular 4, with angular-cli v1.1.1. I'm using Angular animation on several steps of my applications, in my router-outlet too. Turns out in Safari 10/11 ( mobile ) no animations is currently working. In my polyfills.ts I have the following line of code import 'web-animations-js'; which should work on every browser that doesn't fully support Angular animations. On IE 10/11 it's working, not perfectly but it's working. Firefox too. The real problem on mobile Safari 10/11 is the animate syntax. With this particular syntax any animation wouldn't work. my router-outlet doesn't even show.

I can't understand why this doesn't work, any clue? Thank you in advance!


initial: style({ transform: 'translateY(100vh)' }), animate: animate( ${phaseDuration}ms ${phaseDuration}ms ease-in, style({ transform: 'translateY(0)' }) ) };

This is the code that breaks everything, inside che enter transition


  • Turns out the polyfill library has several open issues with the integration with mobile Safari. However, if the iPhone or iPad requests for Desktop Site the animations work fine.