On Dreamhost, I did the following
export PATH=$HOME/opt/bin/:$PATH
in my .bash_profilepython --version
that 2.7.1 was default/path/to/python2.7 setup.py install
import django
and django.VERSION
in python shellwget http://wiki.dreamhost.com/django-setup.py
python2.7 django-setup.py
in my site directory ("site.com")Why does my Django refuse to use my new version of Python?
According to this, installing-django-with-python-2-5-and-not-with-the-default-version-of-python, the problem might be with mod_wsgi (or I think passenger in my case (but I don't actually know if they do the same thing)).
Should I try to compile mod_wsgi, compile passenger_wsgi, install virtualenv, all of the above, none of the above, A and C, B D and E, or something else altogether?
Maybe you can change the WSGIPythonExecutable directive in your mod_wsgi configuration?
To configure Passenger's Python interpretter, you can follow these steps.