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How to reject promise on d3 xhr request timeout?

I want to set a timeout value so that if the server does not respond in that particular time frame then UI should move ahead and not wait for response. I have used the below syntax so far but the UI gets hanged waiting for response. How can I specify a callback to reset the values and inform UI that no longer needed to wait.

q.promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    .header('Content-Type', 'text/xml')
    .send(this.my_method, my_xmlData, function(error, data) {

I read here that d3 xhr supports timeout feature now. How do I use that and execute a callback when request times out? Could anyone please tell me how to use that correctly? I tried using

.ontimeout(function(){console.log('request timedout!!'}) 

but it did not work.

I am using promises so I want to reject the promise in case of timeout. And I want to pass UI the same values it receives in case I receive error from service. Basically null values so that It settles down. But in case of timeout the UI does not receives any values and my screen loader keeps running.



  • Since d3 v3 does not support time out, you can timeout like this:

    var url = "";
    let pr = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
      xhr.responseType = 'document';
      xhr.overrideMimeType('text/xml');'GET', url, true);
      xhr.timeout = 1; // time in milliseconds
      xhr.onload = function(d) {
        console.log("load", xhr.responseXML)
      xhr.ontimeout = function(e) {
        reject({message: "I got timed out"});    
    pr.then(function(data) {
    }, function(err) {

    Giving a higher timeout working code here

    If you use d3.v4 you can use timeout working code here