How do I remove storage limits (queue quota) on specific queues with powershell?
To set storage limits to some value with powershell, we can use the Set-MsmqQueue
Get-MsmqQueue myQueue | Set-MsmqQueue -QueueQuota 50000
To remove the setting I have tried
... | Set-MsmqQueue -QueueQuota $false # (does nothing)
... | Set-MsmqQueue -QueueQuota 0 # (does nothing)
... | Set-MsmqQueue -QueueQuota -1 # (fails; queue quota must be positive integer)
... | Set-MsmqQueue -QueueQuota ([System.Int32]::MaxValue) # (successfully sets quota to 2147483647)
... | Set-MsmqQueue -QueueQuota ([System.Int64]::MaxValue) # (fails; Invalid value 9223372036854775807 for property MaximumQueueSize.)
The powershell documentation does not specify how to accomplish this. Does anyone know how to do this?
Basically you want to set the queue to "unlimited".
My understanding is that the maximum size is 4294967295 (4 TB). Try setting it to that.