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Packet Loss ratio in VEINS/Omnet++

I am new to VEINS/Omnet++ and trying various broadcast suppression techniques and would like to calculate the packet loss ratio. I assume I have to use this formula :

Packet Loss Ratio = TotalLostPackets / SentPackets

But since some nodes send 0 packets, is there an easy way to specify this in the Omnet++ .anf config file or maybe in VEINS without doing manual adjustments? Otherwise if any node sends a 0 packet, then all graphs appear as infinity.

Thank you!


  • This does not directly answer your question, but I would warn against using this equation in a simulation where not all nodes might send the same number of packets or where broadcasts are sent. Each packet sent as a broadcast can potentially be received by many other nodes meaning that even a simulation where only 1 packet is sent might also record 7 successful receptions and 5 packet losses. Your equation would calculate the loss rate as 5/1=500% whereas I would find a rate of 5/12=42% more reasonable.

    As a side effect of calculating loss rate as "fail/(success+fail)" you will not need to take special care for nodes that did not send/receive packets.