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PHPDoc different return type for extended classes

I have created my own DB - Model structure which is similar to Laravel. I have been facing with 2 problems.

I have a Model class which all of my models extend it. For example, my User class extends Model. I want to return that get() method return type of class which is extended.

Is this possible?

Class Model extends DB {
     * @return AnyClassThatExtended
    function get()

Class User extends Model {
    function test() {
        $user->get(); // I want it to return User type of object


  • You should use

    private static $instance;
     * return static
    public function get() {
        if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
            self::$instance = new static();
        return self::$instance;

    because you are returning current class that you are at (if I understand correctly)

    It's possible that PHPStorm does not recognize it