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Is it possible to test for scrollIntoView browser compatibility?

I am looking for a way to do a real-time test for scrollIntoView functionality of my user's browser. This is not a "caniuse" check; rather I want to have graceful degradation. I am using jQuery, and would like to use a preventDefault() if scrollIntoView is functional.

I started with:

        if (window.scrollIntoView) {
            $('p#result').text('scrollIntoView is available');
        } else {
            $('#result').text('scrollIntoView is not available');

but I see that window.scrollIntoView is undefined in the inspector. However, because scrollIntoView works (in my version of Chrome and FireFox), it shouldn't be undefined. What other options can I have to see if it the user's browser supports the function?


  • That method is on elements, so you can check document.documentElement.scrollIntoView.