Minification fails when I try to use Ecmascript-6 features in my app.
If i try to use an arrow function:
$.get('/clients/all').done(response => {
// Do something with the response
I get the following error:
/* Minification failed. Returning unminified contents.
(8,45-46): run-time error JS1195: Expected expression: >
(36,6-7): run-time error JS1195: Expected expression: )
(37,1-2): run-time error JS1002: Syntax error: }
And so on with other ES6 features.
Do you know an ItemTransform for ES6?
Still there is no .NET bundling package for ES6+.
But as a workaround you can use: > Try It Out > Presets: ES2015.
The following code:
var gridNames = Enumerable.From(verifiedKeys).Select(x => `demo_${x}`).ToArray();
Will be translated into:
var gridNames = Enumerable.From(verifiedKeys).Select(function (x) {
return "demo_" + x;
Link: and check: Presets > ES2015