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Unable to render module using RequireJS with

I am trying to render a module using requirejs using factory pattern in but I am getting the error

Uncaught Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module: function () {

My project folder strucutre is something as shown below.


"baseUrl": "Scripts",
"paths": {
    "JALModule": "Views/Claim/Startup/JAL",
    "SeniorCareModule": "Views/Claim/Startup/NonReferral/SeniorCare"

enter image description here

I am using .net bundling and minification, when the application is rendered on the browser below is the structure.

enter image description here


define(function () {
return {
    // declare the function to change the background color
    setBackgroundJAL: function (color) {

I am accessing the above module from a factory class:

define(function (require) {

var claimTypes = {
    'JAL': require('JALModule')
    , 'SeniorCare': require('SeniorCareModule')
    //, 'W2': require('modules/W2')
return function (claimType) {
    try {
        return new claimTypes[claimType];
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error('Unknown Claim Type Specified.');

Am I missing some configuration or are the relative paths defined incorrectly.? Need your valuable inputs on this.

Thanks Sajesh


  • I was able to fix this issue after trying all possibilities. 1) I had to change the config file to provide the correct path:

    "baseUrl": "../Scripts",
    "paths": {
        "JAL": "../../Views/Claim/Startup/JAL",
        "SeniorCare": "../../Views/Claim/Startup/NonReferral/SeniorCare",
        "ClaimStartupFactory": "../../Views/Claim/Startup/ClaimStartupFactory"

    2) Also I had to remove the .net minification of all the files that are defined in requirejs config.

    3) Direct reference of the requirejs config link in Layout.cshtml file

    <script src="~/Scripts/require.config.js"></script>

    Hope this will help others.