I'm using Metal to display camera frames. I convert the outputted sample buffers into id<MTLTexture>
s using CVMetalTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage
, and that works great... except that the frames come rotated 90 degrees clockwise.
How can I rotate the id<MTLTexture>
90 degrees counter clockwise?
I considered doing this when I display the texture (in the MTKView
), but then it will still be rotated the wrong way when I record the video.
You have at least a couple of different options here.
The easiest is probably requesting "physically" rotated frames from AVFoundation. Assuming you're using an AVCaptureConnection
, you can use the setVideoOrientation
API (when available) to specify that you want frames to be rotated before they're delivered. Then, displaying and recording can be handled in a uniform way with no further work on your part.
Alternatively, you could apply a rotation transform both when drawing the frame into the Metal view and when recording a movie. It sounds like you already know how to do the former. The latter just amounts to setting the transform
property on your AVAssetWriterInput
, assuming that's what you're using. Similar APIs exist on lower-level AVFoundation classes such as AVMutableComposition