I have a site_settings.scss file which contain all the the variables for my Rails app:
$primary_color: #4285F4;
$dark_color: #333333;
Right now, if I want to use these variable inside a file i need to do this inside that file:
import 'site_settings.scss'
I need to put this at the beginning of EVERY FILE that I want to use these variables, otherwise Rails will give me the Undefined variable:
I have tried putting import 'site_settings.scss'
inside the application.scss or custom.scss but neither of them is working.
I have also tried to use require 'site_settings'
in the aplication.scss and rename application.scss to application.css.scss as being mentioned here: http://mildlyinternet.com/code/scss-variables-asset-pipeline.html , but it's still not working.
Here is my application.scss:
*= require_self
*= require font-awesome
@import "bootstrap-sprockets";
@import "bootstrap";
@import "custom";
@import "devise";
@import "site_settings";
So, how do I solve this, so that I don't have to write import 'site_settings.scss'
in every file each time?
You should rename all files that will use the shared variables to start with _
This will render the other files in context of partial files, which will use the previous declared variables in @import 'site_settings'
. So you will have site_settings.scss
and quickrails/_general.scss
, quickrails/_media_query.scss
and so on.
Those imports are considered partials, that is why the name should start with underscore, but when importing you use without it. Here is a material about this: