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multiprocessing's Queue inside Manger.Namespace()

I am currently creating a class which is supposed to execute some methods in a multi-threaded way, using the multiprocessing module. I execute the real computation using a Pool of n workers. Now I wanted to assign each of the currently n active workers an index between 0 and n for some other calculation. To do this, I wanted to use a shared Queue to assign an index in a way, that at every time no two workers have the same id. To share the same Queue inside the class between the different threads, I wanted to store it inside a Manager.Namespace(). But doing this, I got some problems with the Queue. Therefore, I created a minimal version of my problem and ended up with something like this:

from multiprocess import Process, Queue, Manager, Pool, cpu_count

class A(object):
    def __init__(self):
        manager = Manager()
        self.ns = manager.Namespace()
        self.ns.q = manager.Queue()

    def foo(self):
        for i in range(10):

a = A()

In this code, the execution stops before the second print statement - therefore, I think, that no data is actually written in the Queue. When I remove the namespace related stuff the code works flawlessly. Is this the intended behaviour of the multiprocessings objects and am I doing something wrong? Or is this some kind of bug?


  • yes, you should not use Namespace here. when you put a Queue object into manager.Namespace(), each process will get a new Queue instance, all the writer/reader of those newly created queue objects have no connection with parent process, therefore no message will be received by worker processes. share a Queue solely instead.

    by the way, you mentioned "thread" many times, but in the context of multiprocess module, a worker is a process, not a thread.