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update number sequence in AX

I had to import data in hcmposition table. however, the positionid look like 000001 and I have used X++ to insert data into hcmpostion from an external table.

after the data is inserted, I tried to create a position form AX position form and I got the following error

Cannot create a record in Positions (HcmPosition). Position: 000001.The record already exists

in order to fix the issue I have tried to update the SYSTEMSEQUENCES table by updating the nexval field to be equal the maximum recid +1 available in hcmpositon.

however, I am still getting the same error.


  • You don't need to change nextval in the SYSTEMSEQUENCES table - it has a different purpose. Instead, try the following:

    • Open Human resources > Setup > Parameters > Human resources shared parameters > Number sequences.
    • Right-click the Position number sequence code, select View details.
    • Expand the General tab page, modify the Next number to be released from the number sequence.
    • Click the Status list button in the action pane to make sure it doesn't contain numbers that have already been used.