i have to convert multiple tiff to png. For example tiff which include 3 pages i should convert to 3 png's.So i am using tiff-to-png module and i have encountered with this problem. Error: Command failed: convert /tiffs/one.tiff -scene 1 ./png/one/page%d.png Invalid Parameter - /tiffs.Bellow is my code
'use strict'
const tiff_to_png=require('tiff-to-png');
const options={
const converter=new tiff_to_png(options);
const tiffsLocation=['./tiffs/one.tiff'];
const location='./png';
In the error context we see -/tiffs inavliiad parameter.
tiffsLocation is the variable which conatin my tiff file.
location is variable which contain path to folder where will be converted png file.
I cant understand why i have goten this error, tiffs in this case is the directory which contain my tiff file why i have got this error.Any ideas?
1st You have to install "Imagemagick"
For windows, you will find .exe file. Keep it in your mind that on installation time, check "Install legacy utilities (e.g: convert)"
For Ubuntu:
sudo apt install imagemagick
sudo yum install ImageMagick
var fs=require('fs');
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
//ifile: Tiff Absolute File Path
//ofile: PNG Absolute File Path (e.g: var ofile = APP_ROOT_PATH+'/data/files/png/sample.png';)
var tiff2png = spawn('convert', [ifile, ofile]);
tiff2png.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('stdout: ' + data);
tiff2png.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
return res.json(Utility.output('Unable to convert tiff to png','ERROR'));
console.log('stderr: ' + data);
tiff2png.on('close', function (code) {
/**Check Your Converted file exist or not. If exist then Converted**/
console.log('Close: ' + data);
tiff2png.on('error', function (code) {
return res.json(Utility.output('ERROR: Unable to convert tiff to png','ERROR'));