I want to get a new line in my excel result such as i would get by going into the cell and pressing Alt+Enter
df <- data.frame(a="Funny\\nNot",b="rofl\nlol",c="hihi\rh3h3")
xlsx::write.xlsx(df,file = "df.xlsx")
Using the package xlsx
Remove the escape '\'
from column a
df <- data.frame(a="Funny\nNot",b="rofl\nlol",c="hihi\rh3h3")
Create workbook and sheet objects:
wb <- createWorkbook()
sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName="sheet1")
Add dataframe:
addDataFrame(df, sheet)
get row 2, column B from the wb/sheet:
rows <- getRows(sheet, rowIndex = 2)
cell_b_2 <- getCells(rows, colIndex = 2)[[1]]
Create a CellStyle
that sets Wrap Text
in Excel:
cs <- CellStyle(wb, alignment = Alignment(wrapText = TRUE))
Apply it to the cell:
setCellStyle(cell_b_2, cs)
Save the workbook:
saveWorkbook(wb, 'df.xlsx')
The resulting workbook looks like this: