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Writing images into a different folder

I have two directories:

dir1 = path/to/original/imgs


dir2 = path/to/subset/imgs

dir1 contains images from COCO dataset, and dir2 is currently empty. I also have a list which contains the names of some images (extracted from dir1):

list1 = ['img1', 'img2', 'img3', 'img4', 'img5'] 

What I need to do is compare the names of the images from list1 to the names of images in dir1 and save the matching images into dir2. Following is what I have until now:

import os
path_to_imgs = "/path/to/dir1"
path_to_subset_imgs = "/path/to/dir2"
file_list = os.listdir(path_to_imgs)
for img_name in list1:
    for filename in file_list:
        if img_name == filename:

I am unable to understand how to proceed with saving the identical images into dir2. I checked this link and this one. Any help is highly appreciated. Thank You.


  • You could consider using shutil

    import shutil
    image_list = ['img1', 'img2', 'img3', 'img4', 'img5'] 
    dirs_list = [("/path/to/dir1/", "/path/to/dir2/")]
    for img in image_list:
        for source_folder, destination_folder in dirs_list:
            shutil.copy(source_folder+img, destination_folder+img)