I am new to MPI and am struggling with reading a binary file. Specifically, I have a $198\times 50 \times 50$ array of integers (16 bit integers, to be specific) stored in a binary file. I want to use 2 compute nodes to process this file. So there are two MPI processes and each process will process half of the input. I am using the function MPI_FILE_READ_AT to read respective regions. I expect the array values to fill in the variable/argument 'bucket' that I pass in to the function call. But a sanity check print out of the 'bucket' entries tells me that the values in bucket are all incorrect. I feel that I am going wrong with the arguments.
program main
use mpi
implicit none
integer :: i, error, num_processes, id, fh
integer(MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: filesize, offset
integer(MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: num_bytes_per_process
integer(MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: num_bytes_this_process
integer :: num_ints_per_process, num_ints_this_process
integer(kind = 2), dimension(:), allocatable :: bucket
character(len=100) :: inputFileName
integer, parameter :: INTKIND=2
! Initialize
inputFileName = 'xyz_50x50'
! MPI basics
call MPI_Init ( error )
call MPI_Comm_size ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, num_processes, error )
call MPI_Comm_rank ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, id, error )
! Open the file
MPI_INFO_NULL, fh, error)
! get the size of the file
call MPI_File_get_size(fh, filesize, error)
! Note: filesize is the TOTAL number of bytes in the file
num_bytes_per_process = filesize/num_processes
num_ints_per_process = num_bytes_per_process/INTKIND
offset = id * num_bytes_per_process
num_bytes_this_process = min(num_bytes_per_process, filesize - offset)
num_ints_this_process = num_bytes_this_process/INTKIND
call MPI_FILE_READ_AT(fh, offset, bucket, num_ints_this_process, &
do i = 1, num_ints_this_process
if (bucket(i) /= 0) then
print *, "my id is ", id, " and bucket(",i,")=", bucket(i)
! close the file
call MPI_File_close(fh, error)
! close mpi
call MPI_Finalize(error)
end program main
you have to use MPI_STATUS_IGNORE
instead of MPI_STATUS_SIZE
(fwiw, i am unable to compile this program unless i fixe this)
call MPI_FILE_READ_AT(fh, offset, bucket, num_ints_this_process, &
note that since all MPI tasks read the file at the same time, you'd rather use the collective MPI_File_read_at_all()
subroutine in order to improve performances.