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Functional programming vs Object Oriented programming
Can someone explain to me why I would need functional programming instead of OOP?
E.g. why would I need to use Haskell instead of C++ (or a similar language)?
What are the advantages of functional programming over OOP?
One of the big things I prefer in functional programming is the lack of "spooky action at a distance". What you see is what you get – and no more. This makes code far easier to reason about.
Let's use a simple example. Let's say I come across the code snippet X = 10
in either Java (OOP) or Erlang (functional). In Erlang I can know these things very quickly:
is in the immediate context I'm in. Period. It's either a parameter passed in to the function I'm reading or it's being assigned the first (and only—c.f. below) time.X
has a value of 10 from this point onward. It will not change again within the block of code I'm reading. It cannot.In Java it's more complicated:
might be defined as a parameter.X
will be without constantly scanning backward through the code to find the last place it was assigned or modified explicitly or implicitly (like in a for loop).X
happens to be a class variable it may change out from underneath me with no way for me to know this without inspecting the code of that method.X
can be changed by something I can't even see in my immediate environment. Another thread may be calling the method in #5 that modifies X
.And Java is a relatively simple OOP language. The number of ways that X
can be screwed around with in C++ is even higher and potentially more obscure.
And the thing is? This is just a simple example of how a common operation can be far more complicated in an OOP (or other imperative) language than in a functional. It also doesn't address the benefits of functional programming that don't involve mutable state, etc. like higher order functions.