I wrote an application for image-processing which uses the ffmpeg-light
package to fetch all the frames of a given video-file so that the program afterwards is able to apply grayscaling, as well as edge detection alogrithms to each of the frames.
Now I'm trying to put all of the frames back into a single video-file.
Used Libs
What have I tried?
I have to be honest, I didn't really try anything because I'm kinda clueless where and how to start. I saw that there is a package called Command
which allows running processes/commands using the command line. With that I could use ffmpeg (not ffmpeg-light
) to create a video out of image-files which I would have to save to the hard drive first but that would be kinda hacky.
Within the documentation of ffmpeg-light
on hackage (ffmpeg-light docu) I found the frameWriter function which sounds promising.
frameWriter :: EncodingParams -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (AVPixelFormat, V2 CInt, Vector CUChar) -> IO ())
I guess FilePath
would be the location where the video file gets stored but I can't really imagine how to apply the frames as EncodingParams
to this function.
I can access:
, g
, b
, a
as well asy
. a
Is there a way to achieve this using the ffmpeg-light
As the ffmpeg-light
package lacks of documentation when it comes to conversion from images to video, I really would appreciate your help. (I do not expect a fully working solution.)
The code that reads the frames:
-- Gets and returns all frames that a given video contains
getAllFrames :: String -> IO [(Double, DynamicImage)]
getAllFrames vidPath = do
result <- try (imageReaderTime $ File vidPath) :: IO (Either SomeException (IO (Maybe (Image PixelRGB8, Double)), IO()))
case result of
Left ex -> do
printStatus "Invalid video-path or invalid video-format detected." "Video"
return []
Right (getFrame, _) -> addNextFrame getFrame []
-- Adds up all available frames to a video.
addNextFrame :: IO (Maybe (Image PixelRGB8, Double)) -> [(Double, DynamicImage)] -> IO [(Double, DynamicImage)]
addNextFrame getFrame frames = do
frame <- getFrame
case frame of
Nothing -> do
printStatus "No more frames found." "Video"
return frames
_ -> do
newFrameData <- fmap ImageRGB8 . swap . fromJust <$> getFrame
printStatus ("Frame: " ++ (show $ length frames) ++ " added.") "Video"
addNextFrame getFrame (frames ++ [newFrameData])
Where I am stuck / The code that should convert images to video:
-- Converts from several images to video
juicyToFFmpeg :: [Image PixelYA8] -> ?
juicyToFFmpeg imgs = undefined
Disclaimer: not familiar with these libraries. Information gleaned from type signatures and documentation.
Use Codec.FFmpeg.Juicy
Codec.FFmpeg.Juicy.imageWriter ::
JuicyPixelFormat p =>
EncodingParams ->
FilePath ->
IO (
Maybe (Image p) ->
IO ()
instance JuicyPixelFormat PixelYA8 where
juicyPixelFormat _ = _ -- in memory format of PixelYA8
juicyToFFmpeg :: [Image PixelYA8] -> FilePath -> IO ()
juicyToFFmpeg is fp = do writer <- imageWriter params fp
-- give Just image data to writer to append it
forM_ is (writer . Just)
writer Nothing -- finalize, or else you'll break it
where params :: EncodingParams
params = _ -- Figure out what fps, width, height, etc. you want (hardcode? parameters to juicyToFFmpeg? fold on is?)
juicyToFFmpeg :: [Image PixelYA8] -> FilePath -> IO ()
juicyToFFmpeg is fp = do writer <- frameWriter (findEncodingParams is) fp
forM_ is $ \img -> let form = imgForm img
dims = imgDims img
pixs = imgData img
in writer $ Just (form, dims, pixs)
writer Nothing
where findEncodingParams = _
imgForm :: Image PixelYA8 -> AVPixelFormat
imgForm = _ -- however your images are encoded
imgDims :: Image PixelYA8 -> V2 Int
imgDims = _ -- duh
imgData :: Image PixelYA8 -> Vector CUInt
imgData = _ -- Encode as a bunch of integers, following the value of imgForm