This is a rather more simpler task which has been troubling me for some time. I have the following:
homepage=$(curl "")
xmlstarlet --quiet fo --html <<<"$homepage" |
xmlstarlet sel -T -t \
-m "//*[@id='financial']/tbody/tr/td" \
--if 'not(starts-with(a//@href,"http"))' \
-o '' \
--break \
-v 'a//@href' \
-o '/?start=1' \
-o '&' \
-o 'end=2' -n | \
sed '${/^$/d;}' \
>> "results.txt"
What I want to do is remove the last newline produced by xmlstarlet
in -o 'end=2' -n | \
. When it reaches the end if the link list it still produces a -n
(newline) as if it where to continue adding more links, but actually I want to avoid the last -n
instance respective to the last href
My sed '${/^$/d;}' \
that should do this returns the following error:
sed: ${/^$/d;}: No such file or directory
sed: : No such file or directory
It somehow does not pipe the previous STDOUT
to the sed
correctly. In one of my prior questions I worked with something similar and this sed
command worked for me earlier:
sed 's/\\&/\&/g'
On the other hand, I also tried using:
# The -e flag
sed -e '${/^$/d;}'
Which did not work for me either.
Can this be done directly from XMLStarlet without having to add an extra sed
What is wrong with my sed
? What is the correct sed
Placing this at the end of the script worked for me:
printf "%s" "$(</results.txt)" > results.txt
I was looking for doing this directly in XMLStarlet, hence this is a provisional answer.