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PyPi: How to upload documentation and how to change the package description?

1. Documentation

How can I add the zipped sphinx documentation to a package on PyPi? There used to be an upload documentation button, but this was replaced by a destroy documentation one. This button does exactly what it says. I destroyed my old docs -.-

Still, even after wiping out my old docs, the button is still there, I cannot upload the new docs.

2. Package info

Moreover, can I change the package description on PyPi? My file contains badges that are not interpreted by pypi (see my pypet package on pypi), but that are known to github. I need to manually remove them from the package description. How can I do this? There used to be a button for this, too...


    1. Packages docs hosting has been decommissioned. Use ReadTheDocs.

    2. Don't use Markdown for README — use reStructuredText. GitHub understand reST README if it's named README.rst.