I am adjusting a simple pacman pygame and setting it so that the ghosts in pacman find and search pacman (Yellow Square) without any random movements. However once eating a power pellet (Bigger squares) then the ghosts actively find the best path to run away. It doesn't matter if all the ghosts follow the exact same path. I just need to modify my code so the ghosts have an algorithm to navigate the entire maze to find pacman
Here is the code right now:
import pygame
from random import *
from time import *
board_dimensions = [350, 390]
pacman_length = 20
wall_length = 5
speed1 = 4
speed2 = 2
class Text:
def __init__(self, x, y, size):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.size = size
def update(self, screen, text):
cover = pygame.Surface([len(text) * self.size // 2.1, self.size * 0.7])
cover.fill([0, 0, 30])
screen.blit(cover, (self.x, self.y))
myscore = pygame.font.Font(None, self.size)
label = myscore.render(text, True, (255, 255, 255))
textrect = (self.x, self.y)
screen.blit(label, textrect)
class Button(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.image = pygame.Surface([10, 10])
self.image.fill([255, 255, 255])
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.x = x
self.rect.y = y
class Ghost(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, x, y, color):
self.color = color
self.image = pygame.Surface([pacman_length, pacman_length])
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.x = x
self.rect.y = y
self.direction = [0, speed1]
self.moves = [False, True, True, False]
self.edible = False
self.wait = False
self.waitcount = 0
self.speed = speed1
def move(self, level):
if self.wait:
self.waitcount += 1
if self.waitcount == 30 * 3:
self.rect.x = wall_length + 8 * pacman_length
self.rect.y = wall_length + 6 * pacman_length
self.wait = False
self.edible = False
if self.edible:
if max(abs(self.direction[0]), abs(self.direction[1])) == speed1 and (
self.rect.x - wall_length) % pacman_length == 0 and (
self.rect.y - wall_length) % pacman_length == 0:
self.direction[0] = self.direction[0] * speed2 / speed1
self.direction[1] = self.direction[1] * speed2 / speed1
if max(abs(self.direction[0]), abs(self.direction[1])) == speed2 and (
self.rect.x - wall_length) % pacman_length == 0 and (
self.rect.y - wall_length) % pacman_length == 0:
self.direction[0] = self.direction[0] * speed1 / speed2
self.direction[1] = self.direction[1] * speed1 / speed2
if (self.rect.x - wall_length) % pacman_length == 0 and (self.rect.y - wall_length) % pacman_length == 0:
choices = []
self.rect.x += self.direction[0]
self.rect.y += self.direction[1]
hitlist = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, level.wall_list, False)
if not hitlist:
choices.append([self.direction[0], self.direction[1]] * 2)
self.rect.x -= self.direction[0]
self.rect.y -= self.direction[1]
self.rect.x += self.direction[1]
self.rect.y += self.direction[0]
hitlist = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, level.wall_list, False)
if not hitlist:
choices.append([self.direction[1], self.direction[0]] * 2)
self.rect.x -= self.direction[1]
self.rect.y -= self.direction[0]
self.rect.x -= self.direction[1]
self.rect.y -= self.direction[0]
hitlist = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, level.wall_list, False)
if not hitlist:
choices.append([-self.direction[1], -self.direction[0]] * 2)
self.rect.x += self.direction[1]
self.rect.y += self.direction[0]
a = randrange(0, len(choices))
self.rect.x += choices[a][0]
self.rect.y += choices[a][1]
self.direction = [choices[a][0], choices[a][1]]
self.rect.x += self.direction[0]
self.rect.y += self.direction[1]
if self.rect.x > board_dimensions[0]:
self.rect.x = 0 - pacman_length + wall_length
elif self.rect.x < 0 - pacman_length:
self.rect.x = board_dimensions[0] - wall_length
def change_color(self, color):
class Food(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.image = pygame.Surface([5, 5])
self.image.fill([255, 255, 255])
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.x = x
self.rect.y = y
class Wall(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height):
self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height])
self.image.fill([0, 0, 125])
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.x = x
self.rect.y = y
class Level:
def __init__(self):
buttons = [Button(wall_length + pacman_length / 2 - 5, wall_length + 1.5 * pacman_length - 5),
Button(wall_length + 16.5 * pacman_length - 5, wall_length + 1.5 * pacman_length - 5),
Button(wall_length + pacman_length / 2 - 5, wall_length + 17.5 * pacman_length - 5),
Button(wall_length + 16.5 * pacman_length - 5, wall_length + 17.5 * pacman_length - 5)]
self.button_list = pygame.sprite.Group()
for i in buttons:
ghosts = [Ghost(wall_length + 8 * pacman_length, wall_length + 6 * pacman_length, [255, 0, 0]),
Ghost(wall_length + 8 * pacman_length, wall_length + 6 * pacman_length, [0, 255, 0]),
Ghost(wall_length + 8 * pacman_length, wall_length + 6 * pacman_length, [0, 255, 255]),
Ghost(wall_length + 8 * pacman_length, wall_length + 6 * pacman_length, [125, 0, 125])]
self.ghost_list = pygame.sprite.Group()
for i in ghosts:
food = [[wall_length + pacman_length / 2 - 2.5 + pacman_length * (i % 17),
wall_length + pacman_length / 2 - 2.5 + (i // 17) * pacman_length] for i in range(17 * 19)]
remove = [[1, 1], [3, 1], [4, 1], [6, 1], [7, 1], [8, 1], [9, 1], [10, 1], [12, 1], [13, 1], [15, 1], [1, 2],
[6, 2], [10, 2], [15, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3], [4, 3], [6, 3], [10, 3], [12, 3], [14, 3], [15, 3], [8, 3],
[4, 4], [8, 4], [12, 4], [0, 5], [2, 5], [3, 5], [4, 5], [5, 5], [6, 5], [8, 5], [10, 5], [11, 5],
[12, 5], [13, 5], [14, 5], [16, 5], [0, 6], [4, 6], [12, 6], [16, 6], [2, 7], [4, 7], [12, 7],
[14, 7], [0, 8], [1, 8], [2, 8], [14, 8], [15, 8], [16, 8], [2, 9], [4, 9], [12, 9], [14, 9], [0, 10],
[4, 10], [12, 10], [16, 10], [0, 11], [2, 11], [4, 11], [5, 11], [6, 11], [8, 11], [10, 11], [11, 11],
[12, 11], [14, 11], [16, 11], [0, 12], [2, 12], [8, 12], [14, 12], [16, 12], [0, 13], [2, 13],
[3, 13], [4, 13], [6, 13], [8, 13], [10, 13], [12, 13], [13, 13], [14, 13], [16, 13], [6, 14],
[10, 14], [1, 15], [2, 15], [4, 15], [6, 15], [7, 15], [8, 15], [9, 15], [10, 15], [12, 15], [14, 15],
[15, 15], [1, 16], [4, 16], [12, 16], [15, 16], [1, 17], [3, 17], [4, 17], [5, 17], [6, 17], [8, 17],
[10, 17], [11, 17], [12, 17], [13, 17], [15, 17], [8, 18], [6, 9], [7, 9], [8, 9], [9, 9], [10, 9],
[6, 8], [7, 8], [8, 8], [9, 8], [10, 8], [6, 7], [7, 7], [8, 7], [9, 7], [10, 7], [0, 1], [16, 1]]
for i in remove:
food[i[0] + 17 * i[1]] = 1
self.food_list = pygame.sprite.Group()
for i in food:
if i != 1:
item = Food(i[0], i[1])
walls = [[wall_length + 6 * pacman_length, wall_length + 7 * pacman_length, 5 * pacman_length, wall_length],
[wall_length + 6 * pacman_length, wall_length + 7 * pacman_length, wall_length, 3 * pacman_length],
[11 * pacman_length, wall_length + 7 * pacman_length, wall_length, 3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 6 * pacman_length, wall_length + 10 * pacman_length - wall_length, 5 * pacman_length,
wall_length], [0, 0, board_dimensions[0], 5], [0, 0, 5, 2 * wall_length + 5 * pacman_length],
[0, wall_length + 5 * pacman_length, wall_length + pacman_length, wall_length],
[pacman_length, wall_length + 5 * pacman_length, wall_length, 2 * pacman_length],
[0, 7 * pacman_length, pacman_length + wall_length, wall_length],
[0, board_dimensions[1] - 5, board_dimensions[0], 5],
[board_dimensions[0] - 5, 0, 5, 2 * wall_length + 5 * pacman_length],
[board_dimensions[0] - wall_length - pacman_length, wall_length + 5 * pacman_length,
wall_length + pacman_length, wall_length],
[board_dimensions[0] - pacman_length - wall_length, wall_length + 5 * pacman_length, wall_length,
2 * pacman_length],
[board_dimensions[0] - pacman_length - wall_length, 7 * pacman_length, pacman_length + wall_length,
[board_dimensions[0] - pacman_length - wall_length, wall_length + 10 * pacman_length, wall_length,
4 * pacman_length],
[board_dimensions[0] - pacman_length - wall_length, 14 * pacman_length, pacman_length + wall_length,
wall_length], [board_dimensions[0] - pacman_length - wall_length, 10 * pacman_length + wall_length,
pacman_length + wall_length, wall_length],
[0, wall_length + 10 * pacman_length, wall_length + pacman_length, wall_length],
[pacman_length, wall_length + 10 * pacman_length, wall_length, 4 * pacman_length],
[0, 14 * pacman_length, pacman_length + wall_length, wall_length],
[0, 14 * pacman_length, wall_length, 5 * pacman_length + wall_length],
[board_dimensions[0] - wall_length, 14 * pacman_length, wall_length, 5 * pacman_length + wall_length]]
self.wall_list = pygame.sprite.Group()
innerWalls = [[wall_length + pacman_length, wall_length + pacman_length, pacman_length, 3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 3 * pacman_length, wall_length + pacman_length, 2 * pacman_length, pacman_length],
[wall_length + 6 * pacman_length, wall_length + pacman_length, 5 * pacman_length, pacman_length],
[wall_length + 12 * pacman_length, wall_length + pacman_length, 2 * pacman_length, pacman_length],
[wall_length + 15 * pacman_length, wall_length + pacman_length, pacman_length, 3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + pacman_length, wall_length + 3 * pacman_length, 2 * pacman_length, pacman_length],
[wall_length + 6 * pacman_length, wall_length + pacman_length, pacman_length, 3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 10 * pacman_length, wall_length + pacman_length, pacman_length, 3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 8 * pacman_length, wall_length + 3 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 4 * pacman_length, wall_length + 3 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
5 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 12 * pacman_length, wall_length + 3 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
5 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 14 * pacman_length, wall_length + 3 * pacman_length, 2 * pacman_length,
[wall_length + 2 * pacman_length, wall_length + 5 * pacman_length, 5 * pacman_length,
[wall_length + 10 * pacman_length, wall_length + 5 * pacman_length, 5 * pacman_length,
[0, wall_length + 8 * pacman_length, wall_length + 3 * pacman_length, pacman_length],
[wall_length + 14 * pacman_length, wall_length + 8 * pacman_length,
wall_length + 3 * pacman_length, pacman_length],
[wall_length + 2 * pacman_length, wall_length + 7 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 14 * pacman_length, wall_length + 7 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 4 * pacman_length, wall_length + 9 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 12 * pacman_length, wall_length + 9 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 4 * pacman_length, wall_length + 11 * pacman_length, 3 * pacman_length,
[wall_length + 10 * pacman_length, wall_length + 11 * pacman_length, 3 * pacman_length,
[wall_length + 8 * pacman_length, wall_length + 11 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 2 * pacman_length, wall_length + 11 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
2 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 14 * pacman_length, wall_length + 11 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
2 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 2 * pacman_length, wall_length + 13 * pacman_length, 3 * pacman_length,
[wall_length + 12 * pacman_length, wall_length + 13 * pacman_length, 3 * pacman_length,
[wall_length + 10 * pacman_length, wall_length + 13 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 6 * pacman_length, wall_length + 13 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 6 * pacman_length, wall_length + 15 * pacman_length, 5 * pacman_length,
[wall_length + 8 * pacman_length, wall_length + 17 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
2 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 3 * pacman_length, wall_length + 17 * pacman_length, 4 * pacman_length,
[wall_length + 10 * pacman_length, wall_length + 17 * pacman_length, 4 * pacman_length,
[wall_length + 4 * pacman_length, wall_length + 15 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 12 * pacman_length, wall_length + 15 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + pacman_length, wall_length + 15 * pacman_length, 2 * pacman_length, pacman_length],
[wall_length + 14 * pacman_length, wall_length + 15 * pacman_length, 2 * pacman_length,
[wall_length + pacman_length, wall_length + 15 * pacman_length, pacman_length, 3 * pacman_length],
[wall_length + 15 * pacman_length, wall_length + 15 * pacman_length, pacman_length,
3 * pacman_length]]
for i in walls:
wall = Wall(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3])
for i in innerWalls:
wall = Wall(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3])
class PacMan(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, x, y, radius):
self.image = pygame.Surface([radius, radius])
self.image.fill([250, 250, 0])
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.x = x
self.rect.y = y
self.queue = [-speed1, 0]
self.direction = [-speed1, 0]
def change_direction(self, x, y):
self.queue = [x, y]
def move(self, level):
self.rect.x += self.queue[0]
self.rect.y += self.queue[1]
hitlist = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, level.wall_list, False)
if hitlist:
self.rect.x -= self.queue[0]
self.rect.y -= self.queue[1]
self.rect.x += self.direction[0]
self.rect.y += self.direction[1]
seclist = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, level.wall_list, False)
if seclist:
self.rect.x -= self.direction[0]
self.rect.y -= self.direction[1]
self.direction[0] = self.queue[0]
self.direction[1] = self.queue[1]
if self.rect.x < -pacman_length:
self.rect.x = board_dimensions[0] - wall_length
self.rect.y = self.rect.y
if self.rect.x > board_dimensions[0]:
self.rect.x = wall_length
def main():
screen = pygame.display.set_mode([board_dimensions[0], board_dimensions[1] + 70])
player = PacMan(wall_length + 8 * pacman_length, wall_length + 14 * pacman_length, pacman_length)
moving_players = pygame.sprite.Group()
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
score_count = Text(50, 410, 15)
score_label = Text(10, 410, 15)
board = Level()
score_value = 0
ghost_value = 200
for i in range(3):
done = False
edible = False
count = 0
while not done:
count += 1
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
player.change_direction(-4, 0)
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
player.change_direction(4, 0)
elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
player.change_direction(0, 4)
elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
player.change_direction(0, -4)
elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
unpause = False
while not unpause:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
unpause = True
for i in board.ghost_list:
screen.fill([0, 0, 30])
score_label.update(screen, "Score: ")
score_count.update(screen, str(score_value))
foodlist = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player, board.food_list, False)
if edible:
if count == 30 * 6:
ghost_value = 200
edible = False
for i in board.ghost_list:
i.edible = False
elif count > 30 * 3:
for i in board.ghost_list:
if i.edible:
if count % 15 == 0 or count % 15 == 1:
i.change_color([255, 255, 255])
elif count % 15 == 2:
i.change_color([60, 60, 255])
for i in foodlist:
score_value += 10
buttonlist = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player, board.button_list, False)
if buttonlist:
edible = True
count = 0
for i in buttonlist:
for i in board.ghost_list:
i.change_color([60, 60, 255])
i.edible = True
ghostlist = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player, board.ghost_list, False)
if ghostlist:
if ghostlist[0].edible:
score_value += ghost_value
ghost_value *= 2
ghostlist[0].waitcount = 0
ghostlist[0].wait = True
ghostlist[0].rect.y = wall_length + 8 * pacman_length
ghostlist[0].rect.x = wall_length + 8 * pacman_length
ghostlist[0].edible = False
done = True
player.rect.x = wall_length + 8 * pacman_length
player.rect.y = wall_length + 14 * pacman_length
for i in board.ghost_list:
i.rect.x = wall_length + 8 * pacman_length
i.rect.y = wall_length + 6 * pacman_length
ghost_value = 200
clock.tick(1 / 3)
You could try an implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree between the ghosts and pac man. You can make nodes at every turn and have the start node be the ghost and the end node be pac man. It is essentially a maze solving algorithm. If you do not care about execution time or the shortest path, you can run a "left turning" mouse algorithm to get the path that will eventually lead to pac man.