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In MySQL, Different Results with VIEW vs TABLE when using @vars

I thought that using a view or a table or a temporary table would give me the same result.

I'm creating some output to be used in another statement that works with CREATE TABLE or CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE but does not work with CREATE VIEW.

The output I'm creating uses fields from 3 joined tables. The interesting part is a new field I'm generating in the output using IFs and @vars to add an ordinal number within a group. Here's some sample data of the output w/o the ordinal field:

display_name  date_played  end_hcp
Alan          2017-08-23   720
Alan          2017-08-29   692
Alan          2017-09-26   694
Bill          2017-08-24   865
Bill          2017-09-02   868
Bill          2017-09-21   842 
Dave          2017-08-24   363
Dave          2017-08-31   339
Dave          2017-09-05   332
Dave          2017-09-15   348
Dave          2017-09-17   374

And here's what I want it to look like with the new Ordinal column added in:

display_name  date_played  end_hcp  Ordinal
Alan          2017-08-23   720      1
Alan          2017-08-29   692      2
Alan          2017-09-26   694      3
Bill          2017-08-24   865      1
Bill          2017-09-02   868      2
Bill          2017-09-21   842      3
Dave          2017-08-24   363      1
Dave          2017-08-31   339      2
Dave          2017-09-05   332      3
Dave          2017-09-15   348      4
Dave          2017-09-17   374      5

Here's the working code using a CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE:

SELECT u.display_name,
FROM `lwljhb_lwl_matches` AS m
JOIN `lwljhb_lwl_players` AS p
JOIN `lwljhb_users` AS u
ON = p.match_id AND
      p.player_id =
WHERE league_seasons_id = 12 AND
      playoff_round = 0
ORDER BY u.display_name, m.date_played;

SELECT po.*,
  @rn := if ( @display_name = po.display_name,
        @rn + 1,
        if ( @display_name := po.display_name, 1, 1)
        ) as Ordinal
FROM pre_ordinal AS po
JOIN (select @rn := 0, @display_name:=null) x
ORDER BY po.display_name, po.date_played;

If I use a CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW the Ordinal column is nearly all 1's. I noticed that in each of the very few times I got an Ordinal >1 it was when the ids for the match table were consecutive (the records were in physical order?).

I want to use my SQL within a WordPress plugin to create a chart. The plugin for some reason won't work with multiple statements, so the DROP TABLE; CREATE TABLE approach doesn't fly, whereas CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW is only one statement and works, it just gets the wrong answer.

Why would this be?


  • says in part:

    ORDER BY is permitted in a view definition, but it is ignored if you select from a view using a statement that has its own ORDER BY.

    Apparently, the truth about ORDER BY and views may be that it always ignores the ORDER BY.

    Since the order of evaluation is crucial in your query, I don't think it's reliable to use a view.