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Why won't colorkey or setalpha work on my code in pygame?

I am creating a game in pygame and I am trying to get the images to have their white backgrounds transparent, I did my research and tried set_colorkey and convert_alpha. Could someone tell me why this isn't working.

class player(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self,player):

    if player == 1:
        self.image = pygame.image.load('Megaman.png')

    elif player == 2:
        self.image = pygame.image.load('Megaman2.png')

The images are of Megaman with a white background. They are png images. The color white is

white = 255,255,255)

and this is the image of megaman: image of megaman


  • I would suggest trying to make a .png file of your pictures without a white background, as this would allow you to use convert_alpha(). I have found more success with that then setcolorkey

    If you wish to remove the white backround of Megaman2.png, I suggest you don't use convert_alpha, as it does not remove color.

    EDIT: Did you write your code as white = 255,255,255)? That would cause a problem as you forgot a parentheses.