I am following a tutorial for simulating wireless communication in omnet++ (version 5.1.1, on ubuntu 16.04, x64) using the AODV protocol (implemented as a part of the INET library). I have used the following code:
*.host*.mobilityType = "RandomWPMobility"
*.host*.mobility.waitTime= uniform (100s,500s)
*.host*.mobility.speed = uniform(1mps, 10mps)
*.host*.mobility.updateInterval = 0.1s
when running the code i get an error:
Cannot schedule message (omnetpp::cMessage)move to the past, t=-9.22337e+06 -- in module (inet::RandomWPMobility) Basic.hostA.mobility (id=39), during network initialization
Can someone please help me with this error?
I've had the same error in this tutorial. I do not know exactly where it comes from, but here is the solution that I found:
[Config TestRandomWPMobility2]
network = MobileNetwork
*.host[0].udpApp[0].typename = "UDPBasicApp" # Protocole de communication
*.host[1].udpApp[0].typename = "UDPSink" # hostMobB = jette les messages recus
*.host*.wlan[0].typename = "IdealWirelessNic"
**.constraintAreaMinX = 0m
**.constraintAreaMinY = 0m
**.constraintAreaMinZ = 0m
**.constraintAreaMaxX = 600m
**.constraintAreaMaxY = 400m
**.constraintAreaMaxZ = 0m
**.updateInterval = 0.1s # test with 0s too, and let getCurrentPosition update the display string from a test module
*.numHosts = 5
**.host*.mobilityType = "RandomWPMobility"
**.host[0].mobility.speed = 10*uniform(20mps,50mps)
**.host*.mobility.speed = uniform(20mps,50mps)
**.host*.mobility.waitTime = uniform(3s,8s)
network MobileNetwork
int numHosts;
host[numHosts]: MobileHost {
I hope this will help you.