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Alter all a href links in php

Currently working on something where i need to add the UTM tag to all links, got 1/2 minor issues i cant figure out

This is the code im am using, the issue is if a link got a parameter like ?test=test then this refuses to add the utm tags.

The other issue is a minor issue that im not sure would make sence to change, insted of me having to add a url, it could be neat if it added utm tags to ALL a href's by default with out knowing the domain name.

Hope someone can help me out and push me in the right direction.

$url_modifier_domain = preg_quote('');

$html_text = preg_replace_callback(
        $url_modifier = 'utm=some&medium=stuff';
        if (!isset($matches[2])) return $matches[1]."/?$url_modifier";
        $q = strpos($matches[2],'?');
        if ($q===false) return $matches[1]."?$url_modifier";
        if ($q==strlen($matches[2])-1) return $matches[1].$url_modifier;
        return $matches[1]."&$url_modifier";


  • once detected the urls you can use parse_url() and parse_str() to elaborate the url, add utm and medium and rebuild it without caring too much about the content of the get parameters or the hash:

    $url_modifier_domain = preg_quote('');
    $html_text = preg_replace_callback(
        function ($matches) {
            $link = $matches[0];
            if (strpos($link, '#') !== false) {
                list($link, $hash) = explode('#', $link);
            $res = parse_url($link);
            $result = '';
            if (isset($res['scheme'])) {
                $result .= $res['scheme'].'://';
            if (isset($res['host'])) {
                $result .= $res['host'];
            if (isset($res['path'])) {
                $result .= $res['path'];
            if (isset($res['query'])) {
                parse_str($res['query'], $res['query']);
            } else {
                $res['query'] = [];
            $res['query']['utm'] = 'some';
            $res['query']['medium'] = 'stuff';
            if (count($res['query']) > 0) {
                $result .= '?'.http_build_query($res['query']);
            if (isset($hash)) {
                $result .= '#'.$hash;
            return $result;

    As you can see, the code is longer but simpler

    Edit I made some change, searching for every href="xxx" inside the text. If the link is not from the script will skip it, otherwise he will try to print it in the best way possible

    $html = 'blabla <a href="">a</a>
    <a href="">a</a>
    <a href="">a</a>
    <a href="">a</a>
    <a href="">a</a>
    <a href="">a</a>
    <a href="">a</a>
    <a href="">a</a>
    <a href="">a</a>
    <a href="">a</a>
    <a href="//" style="color: rgb(198, 156, 109);">a</a>
    $url_modifier_domain = preg_quote('');
    $html_text = preg_replace_callback(
        function ($matches) {
            $link = $matches[1];
        // ignoring outer links
        if(strpos($link,'') === false) return 'href="'.$link.'"';
            if (strpos($link, '#') !== false) {
                list($link, $hash) = explode('#', $link);
            $res = parse_url($link);
            $result = '';
            if (isset($res['scheme'])) {
                $result .= $res['scheme'].'://';
            } else if(isset($res['host'])) {
           $result .= '//';
            if (isset($res['host'])) {
                $result .= $res['host'];
            if (isset($res['path'])) {
                $result .= $res['path'];
            } else {
            $result .= '/';
            if (isset($res['query'])) {
                parse_str($res['query'], $res['query']);
            } else {
                $res['query'] = [];
            $res['query']['utm'] = 'some';
            $res['query']['medium'] = 'stuff';
            if (count($res['query']) > 0) {
                $result .= '?'.http_build_query($res['query']);
            if (isset($hash)) {
                $result .= '#'.$hash;
            return 'href="'.$result.'"';