I am using the 'Epi' package in R to model follow-up data from a study. I am having no issues with declaring the Lexis model or running Poisson and (combined with the survival package) Cox regressions.
As part of the initial data review I want to find a simple way to make a table of crude unadjusted incidence/event rates from data in a lexis model in R (pre-fitting any poisson/cox models).
I have found a coded approach which allows me to do this and to stratify by a variable as part of exploratory data analysis:
#Generic Syntax Example
total <-cbind(tapply(lexis_model$lex.Xst,lexis_model$stratifying_var,sum),tapply(lexis_model$lex.dur,lexis_model$stratifying_var,sum))
#Add up the number of events within the stratifying variable
#Add up the amount of follow-up time within the stratifying the variable
rates <- tapply(lexis_model$lex.Xst,lexis_model$stratifying_var,sum)/tapply(lexis_model$lex.dur,lexis_model$stratifying_var,sum)*10^3
#Given rates per 1,000 person years
ratetable <- (cbind(totals,rates))
#Specific Example based on the dataset
totals <-cbind(tapply(lexis_model$lex.Xst,lexis_model$grade,sum),tapply(lexis_model$lex.dur,lexis_model$grade,sum))
rates <- tapply(lexis_model$lex.Xst,lexis_model$grade,sum)/tapply(lexis_model$lex.dur,lexis_model$grade,sum)*10^3
ratetable <- (cbind(totals,rates))
1 90 20338.234 4.4251630
2 64 7265.065 8.8092811
#Shows number of events, years follow-up, number of events per 1000 years follow-up, stratified by the stratifying variable
Note this is crude unadjusted/absolute rates - not the output of a Poisson model. Whilst I appreciate that the code above does indeed produce the desired output (and is pretty straightforward) I wanted to see if people were aware of a command which can take a lexis dataset and output this. I've had a look at the available commands in the Epi and epitools package - may have missed somthing but could not see an obvious way to do this.
As this is a quite common thing to want to do I wondered if anyone was aware of a package/function that could do this by specifying the simply the lexis dataset and the stratification variable (or indeed a single function to the steps above in a single go).
Ideally the output would look something like the below (which is taken from STATA which I am trying to move away from in favour of R!):
A copy of the first twenty rows or so of the actual data is here (the data has already been put in to a lexis model using Epi package so all relevant lexis variables are there): https://www.dropbox.com/s/yjyz1kzusysz941/rate_table_data.xlsx?dl=0
I would do this simply using the tidyverse
R package as such:
lexis_model %>%
group_by(grade) %>%
summarise(sum_Xst = sum(lex.Xst), sum_dur = sum(lex.dur)) %>%
mutate(rate = sum_Xst/sum_dur*10^3) -> rateable
# A tibble: 2 x 4
# grade sum_Xst sum_dur rate
# <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 2 375.24709 5.329821
# 2 2 0 92.44079 0.000000
And you could wrap this into a function yourself:
rateFunc <- function(data, strat_var)
lexis_model %>%
group_by_(strat_var) %>%
summarise(sum_Xst = sum(lex.Xst), sum_dur = sum(lex.dur)) %>%
mutate(rate = sum_Xst/sum_dur*10^3)
which you would then call:
rateFunc(lexis_model, "grade")
This is useful because, using the combination of tidyverse
and mutate
it is very easy to add more summary statistics to the table.
After clarification on the question, this can be done using the popEpi
package using the rate
popEpi::rate(lexis_model, obs = lex.Xst, pyrs = lex.dur, print = grade)
# Crude rates and 95% confidence intervals:
# grade lex.Xst lex.dur rate SE.rate rate.lo rate.hi
# 1: 1 2 375.2472 0.00532982 0.003768752 0.001332942 0.0213115
# 2: 2 0 92.4408 0.00000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 NaN