I am trying to create pod which contains SCNScene with textures and got an error:
SceneKit Error: Failed loading : C3DImage
Texture and scene are in the same folder.
I've tried to load with SCNSceneSource
let sceneData = try Data(contentsOf: sceneUrl)
let options = [.overrideAssetURLs: true,
.assetDirectoryURLs: MYPod.bundle().bundleURL
] as [SCNSceneSource.LoadingOption : Any]
let source = SCNSceneSource(data: sceneData, options:options)
scene = (source?.scene(options: options))!
but got same result (path not changing)
You should go trough all of the materials with the code and (sorry for pseudo code)
If material.contents.type == String.type {
material.contents = UIImage(named: <path tofolder>/material.contents)