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How does one find a '.' in a string object in Object-C

I am working on getting a simple calculator working as part of my adventure to learning Object-C and iOS development.

In Object-C using NSString, how does one look for a period in a string?

Based on the comments this is what I got so far.

NSString * tmp = [display text];

NSLog(@"%@", tmp); // Shows the number on the display correctly

int x = [tmp rangeOfString:@"."].location;

NSLog(@"%i", x); // Shows some random signed number 

if (x < 0) {
    [display setText:[[display text] stringByAppendingFormat:@"."]]; 

It is still not working :(


  • NSRange is a straight-up struct...

    typedef struct _NSRange {
          NSUInteger location;
          NSUInteger length;
    } NSRange;
    int x = [@"hello.there.ok" rangeOfString:@"."].location;
    printf("x is %d\n",x);

    prints 5.

    and here is a whole program:

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        NSString *ht = @"This is a string";
        int r1 = [ht rangeOfString:@"is"].location;
        int r2 = [ht rangeOfString:@"is a"].location;
        int r3 = [ht rangeOfString:@"isnt"].location;
        NSLog(@"r1=%d, r2=%d, r3=%d, that's all\n",r1,r2,r3);

    which prints:

    Program loaded.
    [Switching to process 21098]
    2011-01-14 20:45:25.192 DELETEME[21098:a0b] r1=2, r2=5, r3=-1, that's all

    running this in XCode, Mac OS... should be straightahead!