Here's what I've got:
@IBOutlet weak var password: NSSecureTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var shwpswd: NSButton! //Checkbox
@IBOutlet weak var pswdcell: NSSecureTextFieldCell! //Cell
@IBAction func shwpswd(_ sender: Any) {
if(shwpswd.state == 1) {
pswdcell.echosBullets = false // Turn the Secure text into regular text
else if(shwpswd.state == 0) {
pswdcell.echosBullets = true // Secure text
Everything seems to run fine, except the text in the password field doesn't change states between echoing bullets and echoing the real text. Everything is linked together properly too - Cell is within the text field, password button is in the view and the outlet works. I'm wondering if this is another one of the "Swift on mac < Swift on iOS cases".
EDIT: Here is the final solution, should anyone care to see it:
@IBOutlet weak var shwpswd: NSButton! //Checkbox
@IBOutlet weak var visPswd: NSTextfield! //hidden regular box to show chars
@IBOutlet weak var password: NSSecureTextField! //visible initial secure box
@IBAction func shwpswd(_ sender: Any) {
if(shwpswd.state == 1) {
self.visPswd.stringValue = self.password.stringValue //Sync both the text fields
self.password.isHidden = true //hide the secure field
self.visPswd.isHidden = false //show the real character echo field
else if(shwpswd.state == 0) {
self.password.stringValue = self.visPswd.stringValue //Sync the two
self.password.isHidden = false // Inverse of above
self.visPswd.isHidden = true
Note the text fields password
and visPswd
are the same size and position in the view - one remains hidden at all times to avoid overlapping. When the user enters values in either the password
or visPswd
field, it syncs with the other field when the checkbox state is changed.
You can accomplish what you want adding a second text field in top of your secure field. Add an IBAction to your check box to switch your fields isHidden property and copy the other textField stringValue and make it the first responder. Your implementation should look like something like this:
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var password: NSSecureTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var showPassword: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var shwpswd: NSButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {
shwpswd.state = .off
showPassword.isHidden = true
override func viewDidAppear() {
@IBAction func showHidePassword(_ sender: NSButton) {
if !showPassword.isHidden {
showPassword.stringValue = password.stringValue
} else {
password.stringValue = showPassword.stringValue