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How do I add a span in a link_to with an image

So I have this:

<%= link_to(image_tag(@model.picture.url(:thumb), :alt => ''), "/pages/you/#{}", {:id => "y_link_#{}"}) %>

Which works, but I need a span in between also like this:

 <a id="y_link_2" href="/pages/you/2" class="">
     <img src="another_small.jpg?1236340989" alt="">

How do I add


to the link_to?


  • image_tag and content_tag return basic strings, so they can be concatenated using the + operator easily:

    <%= link_to(content_tag(:span, "Apples") + image_tag(@model.picture.url(:thumb), :alt => ''), "/pages/you/#{}", {:id => "y_link_#{}"}) %>

    However, as you can see, it gets quite messy - might be worth moving it into a helper method.