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How can I loop though columns by name in an SSIS Script component?

I'm loading a pipe delimited flat file into a staging table. During the load process an SSIS script component performs some operations on a row. It may set a flag in one field based on values in another field, add a prefix to certain columns, or apply formatting. For example, if a date is missing, the field is assigned to a default date. (if Row.EndDate_isNull then Row.EndDate = defaultDate)

These scripts become cumbersome when the same transformation needs to be applied to a series of rows. For example, a medical record file can describe each of 9 diagnoses with three fields: Diagnosis01_Date, Diagnosis01_Code, Diagnosis01_System....Diagnosis09_Date, Diagnosis09_Code, Diagnosis09_System.

I want to use a loop to perform the operations over each of the 9 groups of 3 fields, instead of writing the same operation 9 times.

If I were dealing with a collection in VB, for example, I'd write something like this in in the Input0_ProcessInputRow sub:

For i = 1 to 9
   row.("Diagnosis0"+ i + "_Date").Value = diagnosisDate
   row.("Diagnosis0"+ i + "_System").value = "ICD10"
next i 

In the SSIS object model, however, the columns are exposed as properties of Input0Buffer and I can't find a way to use a variable to refer to them. So, how can I create a loop that operates on columns by name in an SSIS script component?

Edit: I found the following sources, especially the first two, to be helpful while I was doing my research on this problem. It seems like there should be a solution using system.reflection, but I just don't know .NET well enough to figure it out.

How can I get the column Value in Script Component in SSIS?


  • Simple Workaround

    You can store columns name in a List(of string) using loops , and use Row.GetType().GetProperties() to manipulate columns dynamically.


    Note: You have to import System.Reflection , System.Linq and System.Collections.Generic libraries

    Dim lstDateColumns as new List(of string)
    Dim lstSystemColumns as new List(of string)
    For i = 1 to 9
        lstDateColumns.Add("Diagnosis0" & i.toString() & "_Date")
        lstSystemColumns.Add("Diagnosis0" & i.toString() & "_System")
    For each  dataColumn as PropertyInfo in Row.GetType().GetProperties()
        If lstDateColumns.Contains(dataColumn.Name) Then
                     dataColumn.SetValue(Row, diagnosisDate, Nothing)
         ElseIf lstSystemColumns.Contains(dataColumn.Name) Then
                    dataColumn.SetValue(Row, "ICD10", Nothing)
         End IF

    And you can filter over columns names from the lists

        Dim lstDateColumns As New List(Of String)
        Dim lstSystemColumns As New List(Of String)
        For i As Integer = 1 To 9
            lstDateColumns.Add("Diagnosis0" & i.ToString() & "_Date")
            lstSystemColumns.Add("Diagnosis0" & i.ToString() & "_System")
        For Each dataColumn As PropertyInfo In Row.GetType().GetProperties().Where(Function(x) lstDateColumns.Contains(x.Name))
            dataColumn.SetValue(Row, diagnosisDate, Nothing)
        For Each dataColumn As PropertyInfo In Row.GetType().GetProperties().Where(Function(x) lstSystemColumns.Contains(x.Name))
            dataColumn.SetValue(Row, "ICD10", Nothing)
