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How to have default params and override those as required in this function?

I am working on some other developer's code and I noticed the following pattern being used in some of the JavaScript files.

var my_team = function() {
    var handleTeam = function() {
        //do some ajax 
        // and update selected DOM element
    return {
        //main function to initiate the module
        init: function() {

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

I am at a beginner level of JS development and learning best practices. I think the method above is called Closures? Is that correct?

What I am trying to achieve is:

<select name="players" id="player">
<select name="coaches" id="coach">

I want to be able to pass HTML id-attributes player and coach to init() to take some actions to manipulate DOM.

One way I know is that I could change init-function to accept two parameters and update handleTeam to take two too and so on.

init: function(param1, param2) {
    handleTeam(param1, param2);

This doesn't seem to be the best method as I won't be able to pass additional parameters later on unless I change the code above to accept more parameters in the list above.

My main goal is to make this functionality re-usable on other pages where I can choose default values or pass any parameters as required.

How can I make it to have default parameters and override those as required from any page?


  • I think above method is called Closures? Is that correct?

    Yes the pattern from the OPs snippet is a "Closure" and its also an "Immediately Invoked Function Expression (aka "IIFE").

    As you asked for best practices, I made some subtle changes to reply to this. So its less important what I have implemented but more important how I did it (see inline comments).

    If I get you right you want to achieve something like this (also added some stuff to functions body for illustration purpose):

    var myTeam = (function( _sDefault, _oDefault ) { // my_team vs. myTeam? Naming convention for JS is CamelCase!
        // underscore prepended or appended to variable names is common use to show that a variable has private access
        var _handleTeam = function( sDefault, oDefault ) {
            console.log( sDefault );
            console.log( oDefault );
            // "cannot call"/"don't has access" to init() nor updatePlayer() 
        return { // deploy public methods
            init: function( sDefault, oDefault ) {
                if ( !sDefault ) sDefault = _sDefault; // devs write: sDefault = _sDefault || sDefault;
                if ( !oDefault ) oDefault = _oDefault;
                _handleTeam( sDefault, oDefault );
            updatePlayer: function() {
    })( 'default', {default: true} ); // pass values on IIFE
    myTeam.init(); // initiate with default values
    myTeam.init( 'custom', {default: false, custom: true} ); // initiate with custom values
    myTeam.init(); // initiate again with default values

    It would be totally fine to take the above design pattern if it fits your needs. But I can see at least 2 caveats here.

    1. The private methods don't have access to the public ones deployed by the return value.
    2. Kinda hard to read and therefor harder to maintain.

    So here is a pattern that I would prefer over the one above | also Closure and IIFE:

    var myTeam = (function( _sDefault, _oDefault ) {
        // make sure that _oDefault can not be modified from outer scope
        _oDefault = $.extend({}, _oDefault); // *
        // declare variables with private access
        var _oThis = this, // most devs write "that" instead of "_oThis" like I do, you can see "self" also quite often
            _oBackup = {sDefault: _sDefault, oDefault: $.extend({}, _oDefault)}; // *
        var _handleTeam = function( sDefault, oDefault ) {
            // public methods are now also availabe to private ones
            _oThis.log( sDefault );
            _oThis.log( oDefault );
            return _oThis.updatePlayer();
        // declare properties with public access
        this.setDefaults = function( sDefault, oDefault ) {
            if ( typeof sDefault === 'string' )
                _sDefault = sDefault;
            if ( typeof sDefault === 'boolean' )
                _sDefault = _oBackup.sDefault;
            if ( typeof oDefault === 'object' )
                _oDefault = $.extend({}, oDefault); // *
            if ( typeof oDefault === 'boolean' )
                _oDefault = $.extend({}, _oBackup.oDefault); // *
            return this; // make public methods chainable
        this.updatePlayer = function() {
            return this.log('updatePlayer'); // make public methods chainable
        this.log = function( sLog ) {
            return this; // make public methods chainable
        this.init = function( sDefault, oDefault ) {
                sDefault || _sDefault,
                oDefault || _oDefault
            return this; // make public methods chainable
        return this; // deploy everything that has public access
    })( 'default', {default: true} ); // set default parameters on IIFE
    // our public methods are chainable now
    myTeam.init().log('initiated with default values')
          .init( 'custom', {default: false, custom: true} ).log('initiated with custom values')
          .setDefaults( false, false ).log('reseted to default values')
          .init().log('initiated reseted default values')
          .setDefaults( 'new default', {default: true, newDefault: true} ).log('set new default values')
          .init().log('initiated with new default values');
    // *: if you don't know why I'm using  jQuery.extend for objects, feel free to leave a comment and I can explain...
    <script src=""></script>

    Another question?

    init: function(param1, param2) { handleTeam(param1, param2); }

    This doesn't seem to be the best method as I won't be able to pass additional params later on unless I change code above to accept more params in the list above.

    You can pass as many parameters/arguments as you like, without declaring them beforehand (use arguments instead):

    init: function() {
       handleTeam(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
       // or you can do it like this as well:
       handleTeam.apply(this, arguments); // 
    myTeam.init( 'yep', 'don't worry', 'works' )

    When I read your question over and over again I guess the following mockup should be in your direction (or should at least be able to illustrate how things can work together). Working pseudocode | Closure but NO IIFE:

    (function( $ ) { // sure this an IIFE again but thats not essentially to the question at this point
      var Team = function() {
        // private
        var _oThis = this,
            _oTeam = {},
            _privateHelper = function() {
              // this function can not be triggered directly from outer scope
              console.log('_privateHelper was called');
              return _oThis; // use _oThis instead of this here!!!
            _get = function( sId, sIdSub ) {
              return _oTeam[sId] && _oTeam[sId][sIdSub] ? _oTeam[sId][sIdSub] : false;
            _set = function( sId, sIdSub, val ) {
              _oTeam[sId][sIdSub] = val;
              return _privateHelper(); 
        // public
        this.register = function() {
          for( var i = 0, iLen = arguments.length, sId; i < iLen; ++i ) {
            sId = arguments[i];
            _oTeam[ sId ] = {
              $: $('#' + sId), // #1 cache jQuery collection
              aPerson: [], // #2 cache names of each person
              sSelectedPerson: false // #3 cache name of selected person
            _oTeam[ sId ].$.find('option').each(function( iEach ){
              _oTeam[ sId ].aPerson[ iEach ] = $(this).val(); // #2
            this.updateSelectedPerson( sId ); // #3
          return this; // for chaining | BTW: this === _oThis
        this.updateSelectedPerson = function( sId ) {
          if ( _oTeam[ sId ] ) {
            _set(sId, 'sSelectedPerson', _oTeam[ sId ].$.val());
          return this;
        this.getSelectedPerson = function( sId ) {
          return _get(sId, 'sSelectedPerson');
        this.getPersons = function( sId ) {
          return _get(sId, 'aPerson');
        this.update = function( sId ) {
          if ( _oTeam[ sId ] ) {
              'old selected: ' + this.getSelectedPerson( sId ),
              'new selected: ' + this.updateSelectedPerson( sId ).getSelectedPerson( sId )
          return this;
        arguments.length && this.register.apply( this, arguments );
        return this; // deploy public properties
      $(function(){ // document ready
        var oTeam = new Team( 'coach', 'player' ); // would be the same as ...
        // var oTeam = new Team().register( 'coach', 'player' );
        $('select').on('', function(){
          oTeam.update( )
    })( jQuery ) // pass jQuery on IIFE for making save use of "$"
    <h1 style="font-size:1em;display:inline">select coach and player: </h1>
    <select name="players" id="player">
        <option>player Mark</option>
        <option>player Tom</option>
    <select name="coaches" id="coach">
        <option>coach Mark</option>
        <option selected>coach Tom</option>
    <script src=""></script>

    Take care of parameters that have type of object

    var oO = {prop: 'save???'},
        oA = [true],
        s  = 'save!',
        i  = 0,
        b  = true,
        fn = function( oO, oA, s, i, b ) {
          // every argument will get a new value
          // lets have a look if this effects the original variable that was passed
          oO.prop = 'nope!';
          oA[0]   = 'oh oh!';
          s       = 'yep save';
          i       = 999;
          b       = false;
    fn(oO, oA, s, i, b);
                            // initial   -> inner scope -> outer scope
    console.log( oO.prop ); // 'save???' -> 'nope!'     -> 'nope!'
    console.log( oA[0]   ); // true      -> 'oh oh!'    -> 'oh oh'
    console.log( s       ); // 'save!'   -> 'yep save'  -> 'save!'
    console.log( i       ); // 0         -> 999         -> 0
    console.log( b       ); // true      -> false       -> true

    Here is the best explanation about the WHY I ever found so far (short, precise, understandable, credits: @newacct):

    "Objects" are not values in JavaScript, and cannot be "passed".
    All the values that you are dealing with are references (pointers to objects).
    Passing or assigning a reference gives another reference that points to the same object. Of course you can modify the same object through that other reference.

    So if you now have a closer look at the mockups above - thats exactly why I used jQuery utility method extend for objects that are somehow related with the outer scope (which is the case when passed as parameters - right?).

    Keep it in mind - never ever forget it from now on! This can save you hours of headaches if you are a novice!

    So how to circumvent this behavior:

    var oO = {prop: 'make it save now'},
        oA = [true],
        fn = function( oO, oA ) {
          var o = jQuery.extend({}, oO, oA);
          console.log('log#1', o);
          o[0] = 'how save is this?';
          o.prop = 'so save now :)';
          console.log('log#2', o);
    fn( oO, oA );
    console.log('log#3', oO, oA);
    <script src=""></script>

    NOTE: Other libraries such as underscore or lodash also provide functions to achieve this.