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Sort files with filemtime

I have PHP file that generates gallery from a directory of images.

I want to sort images by modification date.

I'm trying to use filemtime function then sort function using the following code:

  $src_folder = 'gallery';  
  $src_files = scandir($src_folder); 

  function filetime_callback($a, $b) {
    if (filemtime($src_folder.'/'.$a) === filemtime($src_folder.'/'.$b)) return 0;
    return filemtime($src_folder.'/'.$a) > filemtime($src_folder.'/'.$b) ? -1 : 1; 

  $files = array();
  usort($files, "filetime_callback");
  foreach($src_files as $file) {
   echo $file . ' - ' . date ("F d Y H:i:s.", filemtime($src_folder.'/'.$file)) . '<br>';

And the output is like this:

image01.jpg - October 22 2017 19:40:02.
image02.jpg - October 22 2017 19:39:19.
image03.jpg - October 22 2017 19:39:23.
image04.jpg - October 22 2017 19:39:28.

It is not sorted by modification date.

How can I make my code work?


  • function scan_dir($dir) {
          $ignored = array('.', '..', '.svn', '.htaccess');
          $files = array();
          foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) {
              if (in_array($file, $ignored))  {
              $filemtime = filemtime($dir . '/' . $file);
              $files[$file] = $filemtime;
          $files = array_keys($files);
          return ($files) ? $files : false;
      $src_folder = 'gallery';
      $files = scan_dir($src_folder);
      foreach($files as $file) {
          echo $file . ' - ' . date ("F d Y H:i:s.", filemtime($src_folder.'/'.$file)) . '<br>';