I am trying to create a macOS menubar app which will have a text field as the first item. The textfield will serve as a search bar for filtering other items which will be displayed below it.
It should look very similar to 1password:
This is what I managed to do:
I have accomplished this by creating a Status menu
with three items and creating a custom view for the first item in the menu.
However, this approach does not seem to solve my issue. When pressing cmd + A
in the search field, the focus jumps to the next item in the menu. This is the default behaviour for NSMenu
So, my question is: Is this the right approach to create a 1Password-like app or is there a better one?
Basically the approach is correct.
But you have to catch the edit key events explicitly. Subclass NSTextField
and override performKeyEquivalent
class AXCVTextField: NSTextField {
override func performKeyEquivalent(with event: NSEvent) -> Bool {
if event.modifierFlags.contains(.command),
let key = event.charactersIgnoringModifiers {
var action : String?
switch key {
case "x": action = "cut:"
case "c": action = "copy:"
case "v": action = "paste:"
case "a": action = "selectAll:"
if let action = action {
return NSApp.sendAction(Selector(action), to:self.window!.firstResponder, from:self)
return super.performKeyEquivalent(with: event)