I am new on AngularFire, and after the update to AngularFire5 I am having some issues. I want to create a 'room', the one which will have a id:name, so after the user inputs the name, I've check on the database if this name exists, if not, I will create. I am adding InfoMessages to specify if the room is created or not.
Here is my code:
checkIfRoomExistAndCreate(salaName: string, puntuacio: number){
this.items = this.afDB.list("/game/" + salaName).valueChanges();
this.items.subscribe((x) => {
if (x.length === 0) {
this.createNewGame(salaName, puntuacio);
} else {
console.log('This room already exists');
The problem is once is checked if there is a room with the same name, after created it, it check again and the error message is displayed.
So, how can I tell to the observable that once is created, it has to stop?
You can unsubscribe once the data is inserted, inside your createNewGame
this.afDB.list("/game/" + salaName).set("player1", this.player1.name);