I have a function to built a polynomial from a given x: [1, x^2,x^3,x^4,...,x^degree]
def build_poly(x, degree):
"""polynomial basis functions for input data x, for j=0 up to j=degree."""
D = len(x)
polyome = np.ones((D, 1))
for i in range(1, degree+1):
polyome = np.c_[polyome, x**i]
return polyome
Now, I would like to calculate polynom for a given x, but omiting sume values.
Hence, what this is what I did:
Created X:
I masked away the value with I wanted to omit:
masked_x= np.ma.masked_equal(x, 5)
But when I do the computation:
The masking has disappeeared. Why ? I want to have the program omit the masked elements
Apparently when working with masked arrays one must consistently use the numpy.ma
versions of the routines. Any departure from this, and numpy 'forgets' that masked elements are present.
def build_poly(x, degree):
"""polynomial basis functions for input data x, for j=0 up to j=degree."""
D = len(x)
polyome = np.ones((D, 1))
for i in range(1, degree+1):
polyome = np.ma.concatenate([polyome, np.ma.power(x,i)], axis=1)
return polyome