I have been trying this for hours, If it was just PHP I would be done by now but this requires Smarty 3 so things are a little different. I am having difficulty grabbing specific keys plural from an Array. The Array looks like this
[0] => Array
[id] => 1
[client] => Jane Doe
[email] => jane@doe.com
[1] => Array
[id] => 2
[client] => John Doe
[email] => john@doe.com
[2] => Array
[id] => 3
[client] => Jim Doe
[email] => jim@doe.com
I can access this using PHP just fine, the Smarty is tripping me up, the files are two
I assign the array in the .php file with the following
$totalEntries = $results['products']['product'];
$ca->assign('innerArray', $totalEntries);
The $results['products']['product']
is what outputs the array seen above.
Now in the .tpl file, I have the following
<select class="form-control" id="sel1">
{foreach $innerArray as $results}
{foreach from=$results.client item=label}
<option value="{$label}">{$label}</option>
This works to output to the dropdown
I got that part right, and I have been looking all over the internet to figure this out. My plan was to introduce into the drop down something like
However when I attempt this using something like the following where i remove the .client part of the from=
<select class="form-control" id="sel1">
{foreach $innerArray as $results}
{foreach from=$results item=label}
<option value="{$label.client}">{$label.client} - {$label.email}</option>
I am met with a list that looks like this
I realize this is basically the first letters and numbers, but I see variety of examples online showing that I can take from the array what I need, but when I try $label.client - $label.email It won't work.
What am I doing wrong?
It's not like the way you did, but using {section} will do:
<select class="form-control" id="sel1">
{section name=seq loop=$innerArray}
<option value="{$innerArray[seq].id}">{$innerArray[seq].client} - $innerArray[seq].email}</option>