I have a set of pre-defined hash tables and I want to reference one of those hashes using a variable name and access a key value. The following code just returns null even though the hash is populated. What am I doing wrong here, or is there a better way to achieve this?
my %TEXT1 = (1 => 'Hello World',);
my %TEXT2 = (1 => 'Hello Mars',);
my %TEXT3 = (1 => 'Hello Venus',);
my $hash_name = 'TEXT1';
my $hash_ref = \%$hash_name;
print ${$hash_ref}{1}; #prints nothing
Use a hash to contain your hashes.
my %texts = (
TEXT1 => { 1 => 'Hello world', },
TEXT2 => { 1 => 'Hello Mars', },
TEXT3 => { 1 => 'Hello Venus', },
my $hash_name = 'TEXT1';
print $texts{$hash_name}{1}, "\n";