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Programming a function for "lm" using tidyeval

I am trying to write a function around "lm" using tidyeval (non-standard evaluation).Using base R NSE, it works:

lm_poly_raw <- function(df, y, x, degree = 1, ...){
  lm_formula <-
    substitute(expr = y ~ poly(x, degree, raw = TRUE),
               env = list(y = substitute(y),
                          x = substitute(x),
                          degree = degree))
  eval(lm(lm_formula, data = df, ...))

lm_poly_raw(mtcars, hp, mpg, degree = 2)

However, I have not figured out how to write this function using tidyeval and rlang. I assume that substitute should be replaced be enquo, and eval by !!. There are some hints in Hadley's Adv-R, but I could not figure it out.


  • Here is the kind of formula constructor that might make its way in rlang in the future:

    f <- function(x, y, flatten = TRUE) {
      x <- enquo(x)
      y <- enquo(y)
      # Environments should be the same
      # They could be different if forwarded through dots
      env <- get_env(x)
      stopifnot(identical(env, get_env(y)))
      # Flatten the quosures. This warns the user if nested quosures are
      # found. Those are not supported by functions like lm()
      if (flatten) {
        x <- quo_expr(x, warn = TRUE)
        y <- quo_expr(y, warn = TRUE)
      new_formula(x, y, env = env)
    # This can be used for unquoting symbols
    var <- "cyl"
    lm(f(disp, am + (!! sym(var))), data = mtcars)

    The tricky parts are:

    • The LHS and RHS could come from different environments if forwarded through different layers of .... We need to check for this.

    • We need to check that the user doesn't unquote quosures. lm() and co do not support those. quo_expr() flattens all the quosures and optionally warns if some were found.