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HABTM Relationship -- How Can I Find A Record Based On An Attribute Of The Associated Model

I have setup this HABTM relationship in the past and it has worked before....Now it isn't and I'm at my wits end trying to figure out what's wrong. I've looked through the rails guides all day and can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong, so help would really be appreciated.

I have 2 models connected through a join model and I'm trying to find records based an attribute of the associated model.


has_and_belongs_to_many :interests


has_and_belongs_to_many :events

and a join table migration that was created like:

create_table 'events_interests', :id => false do |t|
    t.column :event_id, :integer
    t.column :interest_id, :integer

I tried:

@events = Event.all(:include => :interest, :conditions => [" = ?", 4 ] )

But got the error:

"Association named 'interest' was not found; perhaps you misspelled it?"...

which I didn't off course.

I tried:

@events = Event.interests.find(:all, :conditions => [" = ?", 4 ] )

but got the error:

"undefined method `interests' for #Class:0x4383348"

How can I find the Events that have an interest id of 4....I'm definitely going bald from this lol


  • You need to include the interests table.

    @events = Event.all(:include => :interests, :conditions => [" = ?", 4])

    You had it right in your post, but you didn't pluralize interests.


    Because this answer is still getting attention, I thought it might be a good idea to update it using ActiveRecord::Relation syntax since the above way is going to be deprecated.

    @events = Event.includes(:interests).where(interests: { id: 4 })


    @events = Event.includes(:interests).where('' => 4)

    And in case you want a custom condition

    @events = Event.includes(:interests).where(' >= 4')