How would you manually calculate RGB multipliers and offsets to adjust the brightness of a color so that an argument of -1 was all black and 1 was all white?
If it's less than 1, it's easy. R, G, and B are just multiplied by (1 + brightness).
But how would you calculate the offsets for brightness values greater than 0?
It is simple channel per channel interpolation math. It does not look simple only because there are three channels and they need de/serialization for various purposes.
// Usage.
acoolor:uint = parseRGB(200, 150, 100);
trace(colorToRGB(brightNess(acoolor, 0.5)));
trace(colorToRGB(brightNess(acoolor, -0.5)));
// Implementation.
function parseRGB(ared:uint, agreen:uint, ablue:uint):uint
var result:uint;
result += (ared << 16) & 0xFF0000;
result += (agreen << 8) & 0xFF00;
result += (ablue) & 0xFF;
return result;
function colorToRGB(acolor:uint):Array
result = new Array;
result[0] = (acolor >> 16) & 0xFF;
result[1] = (acolor >> 8) & 0xFF;
result[2] = (acolor) & 0xFF;
return result;
function RGBToColor(anrgb:Array):uint
return parseRGB.apply(this, anrgb);
function brightChannel(achannel:uint, adjust:Number):uint
if (adjust <= -1) return 0;
if (adjust >= 1) return 255;
if (adjust < 0) return achannel * (1 + adjust);
if (adjust > 0) return achannel + (255 - achannel) * adjust;
// If adjust == 0
return achannel;
function brightNess(acolor:uint, adjust:Number):uint
var anrgb:Array = colorToRGB(acolor);
for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++)
anrgb[i] = brightChannel(anrgb[i], adjust);
return RGBToColor(anrgb);