I am new to PHP and trying to sort a list of associative arrays. I want to sort them on a family field, just a string, in descending order. Whenever I try to sort the associative array ... array, it gives me this error.
Warning: array_multisort(): Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag.
PHP Code
$allColors = array(
'0' => array(
"id"=> "1",
"family"=> "blue",
"name"=> "ariel blue",
"hex"=> "#339FFF"),
'3' => array(
"id"=> "3",
"family"=> "green",
"name"=> "forest",
"hex"=> "#FAFF33"),
'1' => array(
"id"=> "2",
"family"=> "blue",
"name"=> "aqua marine",
"hex"=> "#339FFF"),
'4' => array(
"id"=> "4",
"family"=> "green",
"name"=> "lime",
"hex"=> "#FAFF33"),
'2' => array(
"id"=> "5",
"family"=> "blue",
"name"=> "teal",
"hex"=> "#339FFF"),
'5' => array(
"id"=> "6",
"family"=> "green",
"name"=> "yellow-green",
"hex"=> "#FAFF33")
array_multisort($family, SORT_DESC, $allColors);
If you are trying to sort the array by "family", then the first parameter to array_multisort needs to be the contents of your "family" column.
array_multisort( array_column( $allColors, 'family' ), SORT_DESC, $allColors );