I've been following this tutorial https://ilikekillnerds.com/2017/05/convert-firebase-database-snapshotcollection-array-javascript/ in order to convert a firebase snapshot into an array in my ionic application. This is the code I have:
And this is my data structure in firebase:
When I use my code this is the error it gives me:
And when I debbug that line of code where the error seems to be, I can see that the first item in the snapshot is stored in the array, then the next value is undefined. Although if I just print the keys it prints just fine:
Anyone has any idea what's going on?
you have several boolean
properties in your database like boolLogin
and disponible.
hence when you are using foreach to iterate the values and add a key to them you are getting this error because it's trying to add key to the item even when it has boolean
value in this line
try to add the snapshots to the array using the below code
this.consultaTutor=this.afDatabase.object(`profile/SlHGkc3ZK0hHxH2s1sowpgGuJfA3`, {preserveSnapshot: true})
var value = childSnapshot.val();
var key = childSnapshot.key;
var item = { "key" : key, "value" : value};