I'm currently learning assembly in college and have recently started writing assembly programs to light up LED's on a 32x32 LED simulator.
We had a lab this week and the first question was "create a program that lights up a random individual LED and continues until all LED's are lit". I had a friend show me how they did it but I'm still confused as to how some of the options work. Heres the code:
row DWORD 0
row_copy DWORD 00000001h
invoke version
invoke setPattern, 0
invoke random, 32 ;create a random number between 0-31
mov x, eax ;move that value into memory location x
invoke readRow, x ;select a row to be altered
mov row, eax
invoke random, 32
mov ecx, eax ;move the random value into ecx
shl row_copy, CL ;shift left with carry flag (This is where Im confused)
mov eax, row
mov ebx, row_copy
or eax, ebx ; I'm also unsure as to why this is happening
invoke writeRow, x, eax ;alter a pixel at the random row x with the value of eax
mov row_copy, 00000001h
;invoke Sleep, 1
jmp row_random
invoke ExitProcess,0
Originally when I did it I was creating a random number between 0-31 setting it in EBX and using writeRow with x and ebx. However that was wrong. Could someone explain to me why you logically shift left with the CL? and why its necessary to or the two values? I think the or is there to make sure that you dont accidentally switch an LED off if it was already on?
is the low byte of ecx. You're confusing it with CF, the carry flag in EFLAGS. x86 variable-count shift instructions require the shift-count to be in cl
And just for the record, that code is hilariously inefficient. row_copy
is shifted with a memory-destination instruction (slow), then loaded, then replaced with 1
again! So... you could have done
mov ecx, eax
mov ebx, 1
shl ebx, cl
like a normal person. There's no reason to have a memory location for row_copy
at all, just do it in a register. You only need static memory storage for stuff when you run out of registers.
The basic logic the code implements is row |= (1 << rand_0_31)
to set a random bit (which might already be set).
If you want to see how this code operates, single-step it in a debugger and watch values in registers change. See also the x86 tag wiki for guides, docs, and debugging tips.
BTW, an even more efficient way to create a mask with 1 bit set is xor ebx,ebx
/ bts ebx, eax
to avoid needing the shift count in ECX, but if you haven't learned about BTS yet, it doesn't do anything you can't do with other simpler instructions.
And actually, BTS would mean you don't need a separate mask and OR instruction at all, just get the old value of the row in one register, a random number in the other register, and bts ebx, eax
to set the EAX'th bit in EBX.
Assuming that your function-calling convention only clobbers ECX and EDX (plus EAX with the return value), you don't need any static storage locations for this, just registers. I'd do something like:
; untested
push ebx ; save a couple call-preserved registers
push edi ; for values that survive across function calls
; nop ; what's the point of this NOP?
invoke version
invoke setPattern, 0
invoke random, 32 ;create a random number between 0-31
mov ebx, eax ; eax = ebx = row
invoke readRow, eax
mov edi, eax ; edi = old value of row
invoke random, 32
mov ecx, eax ; ecx = random column = bit position
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl ; 1 << random
or edi, eax ; row_value |= 1<<random
invoke writeRow, ebx, edi ; pixel[ebx] |= 1<<random
jmp row_random
; or loop a finite number of times with dec / jnz.
pop edi
pop ebx
; invoke ExitProcess,0
The entire middle block (with the shl and or) could be bts edi, eax
is a macro that probably pushes and cleans up the stack after the call
, so you could be even more efficient by using mov
stores to the stack and leaving the space there. Also, if you're on a new enough CPU, you could use rdrand ebx
for fun.
Fun fact: shift instructions mask the count, so they always shift by 0-31 regardless of what input you use, so you wouldn't need and ecx, 31
for the bit position.
Also, you could invoke random 32*32
and split up the result into row bits and column bits.