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Why is this SVG so blurry?

I have a problem with my SVG:

<svg xmlns="" role="img" fill="#fff" aria-label="Test" viewBox="0 0 348.081 96.151" width="148" height="45" version="1.1"><title>Test</title><desc>Test</desc><path class="a" d="M 6.42 95.06 a 3.72 3.72 0 0 1 -2.74 1 H 0 v -11 h 3.68 a 3.72 3.72 0 0 1 2.74 1 c 1.11 1.11 1.06 2.85 1.06 4.33 s 0.05 3.56 -1.06 4.67 Z m -0.59 -8.38 a 3.09 3.09 0 0 0 -2.35 -0.85 H 0.83 v 9.48 h 2.65 a 3.09 3.09 0 0 0 2.35 -0.85 c 0.86 -0.91 0.82 -2.82 0.82 -4 s 0.05 -2.87 -0.82 -3.78 Z M 12.75 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 19.28 85.1 h 6.65 v 0.74 h -5.82 v 4.33 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 4.42 h 5.82 v 0.74 h -6.65 Z M 37.86 86.53 v 9.53 H 37 v -11 h 0.83 l 6.33 9.5 V 85.1 H 45 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 50.71 85.1 h 6.65 v 0.74 h -5.81 v 4.33 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 4.42 h 5.82 v 0.74 h -6.66 Z M 65.83 96.15 a 3.55 3.55 0 0 1 -3.76 -3.65 v -7.4 h 0.83 v 7.3 a 2.93 2.93 0 1 0 5.85 0 v -7.3 h 0.83 v 7.4 a 3.55 3.55 0 0 1 -3.75 3.65 Z M 75.13 85.1 h 6.65 v 0.74 H 76 v 4.33 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 4.42 h 5.82 v 0.74 h -6.69 Z M 99.3 95.06 a 3.72 3.72 0 0 1 -2.74 1 h -3.68 v -11 h 3.68 a 3.72 3.72 0 0 1 2.74 1 c 1.11 1.11 1.06 2.85 1.06 4.33 s 0.05 3.56 -1.06 4.67 Z m -0.59 -8.38 a 3.09 3.09 0 0 0 -2.36 -0.85 h -2.63 v 9.48 h 2.65 a 3.09 3.09 0 0 0 2.36 -0.85 c 0.86 -0.91 0.82 -2.82 0.82 -4 s 0.03 -2.87 -0.83 -3.78 Z M 105.63 85.1 h 6.65 v 0.74 h -5.82 v 4.33 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 4.42 h 5.82 v 0.74 h -6.65 Z M 118 90.35 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 5 h -0.83 v -11 h 6.65 v 0.74 H 118 Z M 128.33 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 135.68 86.53 v 9.53 h -0.83 v -11 h 0.83 L 142 94.6 v -9.5 h 0.83 v 11 H 142 Z M 148.54 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 157.93 96.06 h -0.83 V 85.84 h -3.26 v -0.74 h 7.37 v 0.74 h -3.28 Z M 165.68 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 178.27 95 a 3.9 3.9 0 0 1 -5.48 0 c -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 -4.45 s 0 -3.45 1 -4.45 a 3.9 3.9 0 0 1 5.48 0 c 1 1 1 2 1 4.45 s 0 3.45 -1 4.45 Z m -0.66 -8.44 a 3 3 0 0 0 -4.16 0 c -0.78 0.78 -0.85 1.65 -0.85 4 s 0.06 3.2 0.85 4 a 3 3 0 0 0 4.16 0 c 0.79 -0.78 0.85 -1.65 0.85 -4 s -0.07 -3.18 -0.85 -3.97 Z M 185.38 86.53 v 9.53 h -0.83 v -11 h 0.83 l 6.33 9.5 V 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 206.54 96.06 l -3.6 -11 h 0.88 l 3.08 9.5 l 3.1 -9.46 h 0.88 l -3.6 11 Z M 220.92 95 a 3.9 3.9 0 0 1 -5.48 0 c -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 -4.45 s 0 -3.45 1 -4.45 a 3.9 3.9 0 0 1 5.48 0 c 1 1 1 2 1 4.45 s 0 3.45 -1 4.45 Z m -0.66 -8.44 a 3 3 0 0 0 -4.16 0 c -0.78 0.78 -0.85 1.65 -0.85 4 s 0.06 3.2 0.85 4 a 3 3 0 0 0 4.16 0 c 0.79 -0.78 0.85 -1.65 0.85 -4 s -0.11 -3.18 -0.86 -3.97 Z M 228 86.53 v 9.53 h -0.83 v -11 h 0.83 l 6.33 9.5 V 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 250 96.06 h -0.83 V 85.84 h -3.26 v -0.74 h 7.37 v 0.74 H 250 Z M 262.3 93.4 h -5.11 l -1 2.66 h -0.89 l 4 -11 h 0.74 l 4 11 h -0.89 Z m -4.85 -0.74 H 262 l -2.29 -6.45 Z M 269.21 86.53 v 9.53 h -0.83 v -11 h 0.83 l 6.33 9.5 V 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 281.35 95.18 l 5.77 -9.34 h -5.54 v -0.74 H 288 v 0.74 l -5.82 9.48 H 288 v 0.74 h -6.67 Z M 288 45.14 c 0.22 -20.77 -19 -27.76 -32.41 -18.37 v -4.29 h -11.23 v 50.44 h 11.24 V 44.68 c 0.47 -13.65 21.16 -13.5 21.16 0.47 v 27.77 H 288 V 45.14 Z M 92.53 22.5 v 4.9 a 25.83 25.83 0 1 0 0 41.73 v 3.78 h 11.24 V 22.5 Z M 77.3 62.88 a 14.64 14.64 0 1 1 13.57 -9.21 a 14.61 14.61 0 0 1 -13.57 9.21 Z M 167.08 32.18 h 13 v -9.75 h -13 V 10.74 h -11.24 v 11.7 h -7.29 v 9.74 h 7.23 v 19 c 0 0.79 0 1.55 0.06 2.29 a 24.13 24.13 0 0 0 1.46 7.61 a 16.47 16.47 0 0 0 5 6.65 a 23.06 23.06 0 0 0 12.28 5 a 30 30 0 0 0 3.31 0.2 h 1.29 V 62.24 H 177.88 a 11.73 11.73 0 0 1 -6.88 -1.89 a 8.33 8.33 0 0 1 -3.46 -5.28 a 15.14 15.14 0 0 1 -0.44 -3 V 32.18 Z M 223 22.51 v 29.1 a 19.25 19.25 0 0 1 -0.51 5 a 8.33 8.33 0 0 1 -3.49 5.26 a 11.71 11.71 0 0 1 -6.87 1.93 h -0.05 q -5.29 0 -8.14 -3 a 7.89 7.89 0 0 1 -2.14 -3.45 a 23.1 23.1 0 0 1 -0.51 -5.69 v -29 l -11.24 -0.09 v 30.15 a 34 34 0 0 0 0.91 8.22 a 18 18 0 0 0 7.75 9.74 a 24.23 24.23 0 0 0 13.42 3.75 a 24 24 0 0 0 15.6 -5.17 a 16.47 16.47 0 0 0 5 -6.65 a 27.07 27.07 0 0 0 1.52 -9.89 V 22.51 Z M 348.07 63.87 V 22.51 h -11.24 v 4.89 a 25.84 25.84 0 1 0 0 41.73 c 0 4.4 -0.66 8.15 -3.81 11.45 a 14.26 14.26 0 0 1 -23.94 -5.69 l -10.55 3.66 A 25.42 25.42 0 0 0 345.46 82 c 2.93 -5.81 2.61 -11.84 2.61 -18.13 Z m -12.95 -10.21 a 14.45 14.45 0 1 1 1 -5.39 a 14.55 14.55 0 0 1 -1 5.39 Z M 126.49 43.13 v -0.25 c 0.06 -0.32 0.13 -0.63 0.21 -0.95 v -0.16 a 13.06 13.06 0 0 1 12.6 -9.66 c 0.42 0 0.83 0 1.23 0.06 v -9.68 h -0.33 c -5.18 0 -10.59 0.29 -14.07 4.7 v -4.75 H 115 v 50.48 h 11.2 V 47.39 a 30.78 30.78 0 0 1 0.17 -3.39 c 0.03 -0.3 0.07 -0.58 0.12 -0.87 Z M 43.72 45.14 c 0.22 -20.77 -19 -27.76 -32.41 -18.37 V 0 H 0.07 v 72.92 h 11.24 V 44.68 c 0.47 -13.65 21.16 -13.5 21.16 0.47 v 27.77 h 11.25 V 45.14 Z" /></svg>

Do you see that the SVG is blurry / pixelated?

Is there a way to fix this?


  • If you want that text to look crisp, at such a small size in SVG, the best solution is to tweak the glyph shapes so that the fit within the pixel boundaries better.

    The following illustration shows what I mean. In my editor I turned on a 148x45 grid to match the output size. Then I tweaked the character shapes so that they lay within the pixel boundaries better. The black shape is the original path shape, and the grey is the tweaked version. I looked for parts of the glyphs that were spanning the pixel boundary, and adjusted them so that were no longer doing that. You want to especially focus on the vertical and horizontal stems of the glyphs.

    In the image below, the right hand side of the "D" is running down a grid line. I shifted that part right a little so it was wholly in the next column of pixels. I could have moved that part left, but I didn't want the character to look too narrow. In the case of the "N" I just shifted it a fraction leftwards.

    enter image description here

    In the updated example below, the second SVG is my modified version where I have tweaked the first "D", "N" and "F" to show the improvement. I'll leave the rest of the tweaking to you.

    body {background:#000}
    <svg xmlns="" role="img" fill="#fff" aria-label="Test" viewBox="0 0 348.081 96.151" width="148" height="45" version="1.1"><title>Test</title><desc>Test</desc><path class="a" d="M 6.42 95.06 a 3.72 3.72 0 0 1 -2.74 1 H 0 v -11 h 3.68 a 3.72 3.72 0 0 1 2.74 1 c 1.11 1.11 1.06 2.85 1.06 4.33 s 0.05 3.56 -1.06 4.67 Z m -0.59 -8.38 a 3.09 3.09 0 0 0 -2.35 -0.85 H 0.83 v 9.48 h 2.65 a 3.09 3.09 0 0 0 2.35 -0.85 c 0.86 -0.91 0.82 -2.82 0.82 -4 s 0.05 -2.87 -0.82 -3.78 Z M 12.75 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 19.28 85.1 h 6.65 v 0.74 h -5.82 v 4.33 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 4.42 h 5.82 v 0.74 h -6.65 Z M 37.86 86.53 v 9.53 H 37 v -11 h 0.83 l 6.33 9.5 V 85.1 H 45 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 50.71 85.1 h 6.65 v 0.74 h -5.81 v 4.33 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 4.42 h 5.82 v 0.74 h -6.66 Z M 65.83 96.15 a 3.55 3.55 0 0 1 -3.76 -3.65 v -7.4 h 0.83 v 7.3 a 2.93 2.93 0 1 0 5.85 0 v -7.3 h 0.83 v 7.4 a 3.55 3.55 0 0 1 -3.75 3.65 Z M 75.13 85.1 h 6.65 v 0.74 H 76 v 4.33 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 4.42 h 5.82 v 0.74 h -6.69 Z M 99.3 95.06 a 3.72 3.72 0 0 1 -2.74 1 h -3.68 v -11 h 3.68 a 3.72 3.72 0 0 1 2.74 1 c 1.11 1.11 1.06 2.85 1.06 4.33 s 0.05 3.56 -1.06 4.67 Z m -0.59 -8.38 a 3.09 3.09 0 0 0 -2.36 -0.85 h -2.63 v 9.48 h 2.65 a 3.09 3.09 0 0 0 2.36 -0.85 c 0.86 -0.91 0.82 -2.82 0.82 -4 s 0.03 -2.87 -0.83 -3.78 Z M 105.63 85.1 h 6.65 v 0.74 h -5.82 v 4.33 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 4.42 h 5.82 v 0.74 h -6.65 Z M 118 90.35 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 5 h -0.83 v -11 h 6.65 v 0.74 H 118 Z M 128.33 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 135.68 86.53 v 9.53 h -0.83 v -11 h 0.83 L 142 94.6 v -9.5 h 0.83 v 11 H 142 Z M 148.54 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 157.93 96.06 h -0.83 V 85.84 h -3.26 v -0.74 h 7.37 v 0.74 h -3.28 Z M 165.68 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 178.27 95 a 3.9 3.9 0 0 1 -5.48 0 c -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 -4.45 s 0 -3.45 1 -4.45 a 3.9 3.9 0 0 1 5.48 0 c 1 1 1 2 1 4.45 s 0 3.45 -1 4.45 Z m -0.66 -8.44 a 3 3 0 0 0 -4.16 0 c -0.78 0.78 -0.85 1.65 -0.85 4 s 0.06 3.2 0.85 4 a 3 3 0 0 0 4.16 0 c 0.79 -0.78 0.85 -1.65 0.85 -4 s -0.07 -3.18 -0.85 -3.97 Z M 185.38 86.53 v 9.53 h -0.83 v -11 h 0.83 l 6.33 9.5 V 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 206.54 96.06 l -3.6 -11 h 0.88 l 3.08 9.5 l 3.1 -9.46 h 0.88 l -3.6 11 Z M 220.92 95 a 3.9 3.9 0 0 1 -5.48 0 c -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 -4.45 s 0 -3.45 1 -4.45 a 3.9 3.9 0 0 1 5.48 0 c 1 1 1 2 1 4.45 s 0 3.45 -1 4.45 Z m -0.66 -8.44 a 3 3 0 0 0 -4.16 0 c -0.78 0.78 -0.85 1.65 -0.85 4 s 0.06 3.2 0.85 4 a 3 3 0 0 0 4.16 0 c 0.79 -0.78 0.85 -1.65 0.85 -4 s -0.11 -3.18 -0.86 -3.97 Z M 228 86.53 v 9.53 h -0.83 v -11 h 0.83 l 6.33 9.5 V 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 250 96.06 h -0.83 V 85.84 h -3.26 v -0.74 h 7.37 v 0.74 H 250 Z M 262.3 93.4 h -5.11 l -1 2.66 h -0.89 l 4 -11 h 0.74 l 4 11 h -0.89 Z m -4.85 -0.74 H 262 l -2.29 -6.45 Z M 269.21 86.53 v 9.53 h -0.83 v -11 h 0.83 l 6.33 9.5 V 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 Z M 281.35 95.18 l 5.77 -9.34 h -5.54 v -0.74 H 288 v 0.74 l -5.82 9.48 H 288 v 0.74 h -6.67 Z M 288 45.14 c 0.22 -20.77 -19 -27.76 -32.41 -18.37 v -4.29 h -11.23 v 50.44 h 11.24 V 44.68 c 0.47 -13.65 21.16 -13.5 21.16 0.47 v 27.77 H 288 V 45.14 Z M 92.53 22.5 v 4.9 a 25.83 25.83 0 1 0 0 41.73 v 3.78 h 11.24 V 22.5 Z M 77.3 62.88 a 14.64 14.64 0 1 1 13.57 -9.21 a 14.61 14.61 0 0 1 -13.57 9.21 Z M 167.08 32.18 h 13 v -9.75 h -13 V 10.74 h -11.24 v 11.7 h -7.29 v 9.74 h 7.23 v 19 c 0 0.79 0 1.55 0.06 2.29 a 24.13 24.13 0 0 0 1.46 7.61 a 16.47 16.47 0 0 0 5 6.65 a 23.06 23.06 0 0 0 12.28 5 a 30 30 0 0 0 3.31 0.2 h 1.29 V 62.24 H 177.88 a 11.73 11.73 0 0 1 -6.88 -1.89 a 8.33 8.33 0 0 1 -3.46 -5.28 a 15.14 15.14 0 0 1 -0.44 -3 V 32.18 Z M 223 22.51 v 29.1 a 19.25 19.25 0 0 1 -0.51 5 a 8.33 8.33 0 0 1 -3.49 5.26 a 11.71 11.71 0 0 1 -6.87 1.93 h -0.05 q -5.29 0 -8.14 -3 a 7.89 7.89 0 0 1 -2.14 -3.45 a 23.1 23.1 0 0 1 -0.51 -5.69 v -29 l -11.24 -0.09 v 30.15 a 34 34 0 0 0 0.91 8.22 a 18 18 0 0 0 7.75 9.74 a 24.23 24.23 0 0 0 13.42 3.75 a 24 24 0 0 0 15.6 -5.17 a 16.47 16.47 0 0 0 5 -6.65 a 27.07 27.07 0 0 0 1.52 -9.89 V 22.51 Z M 348.07 63.87 V 22.51 h -11.24 v 4.89 a 25.84 25.84 0 1 0 0 41.73 c 0 4.4 -0.66 8.15 -3.81 11.45 a 14.26 14.26 0 0 1 -23.94 -5.69 l -10.55 3.66 A 25.42 25.42 0 0 0 345.46 82 c 2.93 -5.81 2.61 -11.84 2.61 -18.13 Z m -12.95 -10.21 a 14.45 14.45 0 1 1 1 -5.39 a 14.55 14.55 0 0 1 -1 5.39 Z M 126.49 43.13 v -0.25 c 0.06 -0.32 0.13 -0.63 0.21 -0.95 v -0.16 a 13.06 13.06 0 0 1 12.6 -9.66 c 0.42 0 0.83 0 1.23 0.06 v -9.68 h -0.33 c -5.18 0 -10.59 0.29 -14.07 4.7 v -4.75 H 115 v 50.48 h 11.2 V 47.39 a 30.78 30.78 0 0 1 0.17 -3.39 c 0.03 -0.3 0.07 -0.58 0.12 -0.87 Z M 43.72 45.14 c 0.22 -20.77 -19 -27.76 -32.41 -18.37 V 0 H 0.07 v 72.92 h 11.24 V 44.68 c 0.47 -13.65 21.16 -13.5 21.16 0.47 v 27.77 h 11.25 V 45.14 Z" /></svg>
    <svg xmlns="" role="img" fill="#fff" aria-label="Test" viewBox="0 0 348.081 96.151" width="148" height="45" version="1.1"><title>Test</title><desc>Test</desc><path class="a" d="m 7.490133,95.024329 c -0.7391233,0.692428 -1.7286192,1.053558 -2.74,1 L 0,96.06 v -11 l 4.750133,-0.03567 c 1.0113808,-0.05356 2.0008767,0.307572 2.74,1 1.11,1.11 1.06,2.85 1.06,4.33 0,1.48 0.05,3.56 -1.06,4.67 z m -0.59,-8.38 c -0.6287095,-0.60158 -1.4819268,-0.91019 -2.35,-0.85 L 0.83,85.83 v 9.48 l 3.720133,-0.03567 c 0.8680732,0.06019 1.7212905,-0.24842 2.35,-0.85 0.86,-0.91 0.82,-2.82 0.82,-4 0,-1.18 0.05,-2.87 -0.82,-3.78 z M 12.75,85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 z m 6.53,0 h 6.65 v 0.74 h -5.82 v 4.33 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 4.42 h 5.82 v 0.74 h -6.65 z m 18.080605,1.251644 v 9.53 h -0.86 v -11 h 0.83 l 6.33,9.5 v -9.46 h 0.84 v 11 h -0.83 z M 50.71,85.1 h 6.65 v 0.74 h -5.81 v 4.33 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 4.42 h 5.82 v 0.74 h -6.66 z m 15.12,11.05 c -2.082291,0.124333 -3.822469,-1.564936 -3.76,-3.65 v -7.4 h 0.83 v 7.3 c -0.241867,4.134797 6.091867,4.134797 5.85,0 v -7.3 h 0.83 v 7.4 c 0.062,2.08085 -1.671585,3.768206 -3.75,3.65 z m 9.3,-11.05 h 6.65 v 0.74 H 76 v 4.33 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 4.42 h 5.82 v 0.74 h -6.69 z m 24.17,9.96 c -0.739123,0.692428 -1.728619,1.053558 -2.74,1 h -3.68 v -11 h 3.68 c 1.011381,-0.05356 2.000877,0.307572 2.74,1 1.11,1.11 1.06,2.85 1.06,4.33 0,1.48 0.05,3.56 -1.06,4.67 z m -0.59,-8.38 c -0.631112,-0.604252 -1.488539,-0.913071 -2.36,-0.85 h -2.63 v 9.48 h 2.65 c 0.871461,0.06307 1.728888,-0.245748 2.36,-0.85 0.86,-0.91 0.82,-2.82 0.82,-4 0,-1.18 0.03,-2.87 -0.83,-3.78 z m 6.92,-1.58 h 6.65 v 0.74 h -5.82 v 4.33 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 4.42 h 5.82 v 0.74 h -6.65 z m 11.8706,5.449422 h 5 v 0.74 h -5 v 5 h -0.83 v -11 h 6.65 v 0.74 h -5.82 z M 128.33,85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 z m 7.35,1.43 v 9.53 h -0.83 v -11 h 0.83 L 142,94.6 v -9.5 h 0.83 v 11 H 142 Z m 12.86,-1.43 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 z m 9.39,10.96 H 157.1 V 85.84 h -3.26 V 85.1 h 7.37 v 0.74 h -3.28 z m 7.75,-10.96 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 z m 12.59,9.9 c -1.5189,1.499574 -3.9611,1.499574 -5.48,0 -1,-1 -1,-2 -1,-4.45 0,-2.45 0,-3.45 1,-4.45 1.5189,-1.499574 3.9611,-1.499574 5.48,0 1,1 1,2 1,4.45 0,2.45 0,3.45 -1,4.45 z m -0.66,-8.44 c -1.16151,-1.117532 -2.99849,-1.117532 -4.16,0 -0.78,0.78 -0.85,1.65 -0.85,4 0,2.35 0.06,3.2 0.85,4 1.16151,1.117532 2.99849,1.117532 4.16,0 0.79,-0.78 0.85,-1.65 0.85,-4 0,-2.35 -0.07,-3.18 -0.85,-3.97 z m 7.77,-0.03 v 9.53 h -0.83 v -11 h 0.83 l 6.33,9.5 V 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 z m 21.16,9.53 -3.6,-11 h 0.88 l 3.08,9.5 3.1,-9.46 h 0.88 l -3.6,11 z M 220.92,95 c -1.5189,1.499574 -3.9611,1.499574 -5.48,0 -1,-1 -1,-2 -1,-4.45 0,-2.45 0,-3.45 1,-4.45 1.5189,-1.499574 3.9611,-1.499574 5.48,0 1,1 1,2 1,4.45 0,2.45 0,3.45 -1,4.45 z m -0.66,-8.44 c -1.16151,-1.117532 -2.99849,-1.117532 -4.16,0 -0.78,0.78 -0.85,1.65 -0.85,4 0,2.35 0.06,3.2 0.85,4 1.16151,1.117532 2.99849,1.117532 4.16,0 0.79,-0.78 0.85,-1.65 0.85,-4 0,-2.35 -0.11,-3.18 -0.86,-3.97 z M 228,86.53 v 9.53 h -0.83 v -11 H 228 l 6.33,9.5 V 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 z m 22,9.53 h -0.83 V 85.84 h -3.26 V 85.1 h 7.37 v 0.74 H 250 Z m 12.3,-2.66 h -5.11 l -1,2.66 h -0.89 l 4,-11 h 0.74 l 4,11 h -0.89 z m -4.85,-0.74 H 262 l -2.29,-6.45 z m 11.76,-6.13 v 9.53 h -0.83 v -11 h 0.83 l 6.33,9.5 V 85.1 h 0.83 v 11 h -0.83 z m 12.14,8.65 5.77,-9.34 h -5.54 V 85.1 H 288 v 0.74 l -5.82,9.48 H 288 v 0.74 h -6.67 z M 288,45.14 C 288.22,24.37 269,17.38 255.59,26.77 V 22.48 H 244.36 V 72.92 H 255.6 V 44.68 c 0.47,-13.65 21.16,-13.5 21.16,0.47 V 72.92 H 288 Z M 92.53,22.5 v 4.9 C 75.461286,14.944039 51.474279,27.135676 51.474279,48.265 c 0,21.129324 23.987007,33.320961 41.055721,20.865 v 3.78 h 11.24 V 22.5 Z M 77.3,62.88 C 62.861589,62.905415 57.111416,44.233361 69.053789,36.128036 80.996162,28.022711 96.225216,40.26142 90.87,53.67 88.65887,59.228708 83.282335,62.877779 77.3,62.88 Z m 89.78,-30.7 h 13 v -9.75 h -13 V 10.74 h -11.24 v 11.7 h -7.29 v 9.74 h 7.23 v 19 c 0,0.79 0,1.55 0.06,2.29 0.0735,2.598754 0.56656,5.168548 1.46,7.61 1.07009,2.608043 2.79169,4.897767 5,6.65 3.51559,2.832883 7.78545,4.571426 12.28,5 1.0988,0.127641 2.20382,0.194409 3.31,0.2 h 1.29 V 62.24 h -1.3 c -2.43395,0.09967 -4.83855,-0.560893 -6.88,-1.89 -1.80138,-1.237902 -3.04405,-3.134224 -3.46,-5.28 -0.24668,-0.982757 -0.39409,-1.987796 -0.44,-3 V 32.18 Z M 223,22.51 v 29.1 c 0.0492,1.681793 -0.12222,3.362783 -0.51,5 -0.42822,2.143294 -1.68165,4.032424 -3.49,5.26 -2.03344,1.34241 -4.43498,2.017078 -6.87,1.93 h -0.05 c -3.52667,0 -6.24,-1 -8.14,-3 -1.00205,-0.943648 -1.73981,-2.133022 -2.14,-3.45 -0.40478,-1.868258 -0.57609,-3.779537 -0.51,-5.69 v -29 l -11.24,-0.09 v 30.15 c -0.0323,2.766821 0.27331,5.527237 0.91,8.22 1.34288,4.064977 4.0906,7.518251 7.75,9.74 4.00966,2.537035 8.67598,3.840962 13.42,3.75 5.64639,0.166239 11.17047,-1.664497 15.6,-5.17 2.20831,-1.752233 3.92991,-4.041957 5,-6.65 1.11685,-3.173568 1.63232,-6.527521 1.52,-9.89 V 22.51 Z M 348.07,63.87 V 22.51 h -11.24 v 4.89 c -17.07379,-12.473542 -41.08268,-0.278788 -41.08268,20.865 0,21.143788 24.00889,33.338542 41.08268,20.865 0,4.4 -0.66,8.15 -3.81,11.45 -7.53312,7.872492 -20.75461,4.730041 -23.94,-5.69 l -10.55,3.66 c 3.19664,9.815442 12.01172,16.723049 22.3068,17.479879 C 331.13188,96.786709 340.86234,91.242454 345.46,82 c 2.93,-5.81 2.61,-11.84 2.61,-18.13 z M 335.12,53.66 c -2.72277,6.931623 -10.26807,10.658643 -17.42545,8.608835 -7.15718,-2.04975 -11.58044,-9.204291 -10.22205,-16.526006 1.35839,-7.321716 8.05368,-12.413444 15.46981,-11.759426 7.41634,0.654036 13.12257,6.839596 13.17769,14.286597 0.0112,1.843799 -0.32816,3.672925 -1,5.39 z M 126.49,43.13 v -0.25 c 0.06,-0.32 0.13,-0.63 0.21,-0.95 v -0.16 c 1.53594,-5.696373 6.70019,-9.655634 12.6,-9.66 0.42,0 0.83,0 1.23,0.06 v -9.68 h -0.33 c -5.18,0 -10.59,0.29 -14.07,4.7 V 22.44 H 115 v 50.48 h 11.2 V 47.39 c -0.006,-1.132267 0.051,-2.263987 0.17,-3.39 0.03,-0.3 0.07,-0.58 0.12,-0.87 z M 43.72,45.14 C 43.94,24.37 24.72,17.38 11.31,26.77 V 0 H 0.07 V 72.92 H 11.31 V 44.68 c 0.47,-13.65 21.16,-13.5 21.16,0.47 v 27.77 h 11.25 z" /></svg>