I like to have the following PowerShell script output without the date part from the table.
10/21/2017 16:49 | Systrax Restore Point
Currently the output is:
@{Date=10/21/2017 12:40} | Systrax Auto Restore Point
This is part of my script:
$creationtime = Get-ComputerRestorePoint | Select-Object @{Label="Date"; Expression={"{0:MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm}" -f $_.ConvertToDateTime($_.CreationTime)}}
$restorepoint = (Get-ComputerRestorePoint).Description
if ($restorepoint -eq $null){
Enable-ComputerRestore -Drive "C:\"
Checkpoint-Computer "Systrax Auto Restore Point"
Write-Host "No restore points, Auto Creating..."
Exit 1010
else {
Write-Host "$creationtime | $restorepoint"
Exit 0
You can use the -f
format operator to format the resulting DateTime
object in your calculated property:
... |Format-Table @{Label="Date"; Expression={"{0:MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm}" -f $_.ConvertToDateTime($_.CreationTime)}}
Another option is calling ToString()
on the object:
... |Format-Table @{Label="Date"; Expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.CreationTime).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm")}}
Or you can have Get-Date
do it for you:
... |Format-Table @{Label="Date"; Expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.CreationTime) |Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"}}