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loRecursion Example in ARM Assembly

Can someone give me an example of how recursion would be done in ARM Assembly with only the instructions listed here (for visUAL)?

I am trying to do a recursive fibonacci and factorial function for class. I know recursion is a function that calls a function, but I have no idea how to simulate that in ARM.

In case the link doesn't work, I am using visUAL and these are the only instructions I can use:

  • MOV
  • MVN
  • ADR
  • LDR
  • ADD
  • ADC
  • SUB
  • SBC
  • RSB
  • RSC
  • AND
  • EOR
  • BIC
  • ORR
  • LSL
  • LSR
  • ASR
  • ROR
  • RRX
  • CMP
  • CMN
  • TST
  • TEQ
  • LDR
  • LDM
  • STM
  • B
  • BL
  • FILL
  • END

This doesn't load an older value for R4, so R4 just doubles every time the function calls itself.

    ;VisUAL initializess all registers to 0 except for R13/SP, which is -16777216

    MOV     R4, #0
    MOV     R5, #1

    MOV     r0, #4

    MOV     LR, #16             ;tells program to move to 4th instruction


    STMDB   SP!, {R4-R6, LR}    ;Stores necessary values on stack (PUSH command)
    LDR     R4, [SP]            ;Loads older value for R4 from memory
    ADD     R4, R4, R5          ;Adds R5 to R4
    STR     R4, [SP], #8        ;stores current value for R4 to memory
    MOV     R5, R4              ;Makes R5 = R4

    CMP     R4, #144            ;If R4 >= 144:
    BGE     POP                 ;Branch to POP

    MOV     PC, LR              ;Moves to STMDB(PUSH) statement

    LDMIA   SP!, {R4-R6, LR}    ;Pops registers off stack
    END                         ;ends program


  • You need to use the stack, STMDB and LDMIA instructions. On real ARM tools with "unified" notation, they also have mnemonics PUSH and POP.

    Fibonnaci and factorial are not great examples as they don't "need" recursion. But let's pretend they do. I'll pick Fibonacci as you don't have a MUL instruction!? You want to do something like this:

       MOV R0, #6
       BL FIB
       END ; pseudo-instruction to make your simulator terminate
    FIB                                 ; int fib(int i) {
       STMDB SP!, {R4,R5,R6,LR}         ;   int n, tmp;
       MOV R4, R0                       ;   n = i;
       CMP R0, #2                       ;   if (i <= 2) {
       MOV R0, #1                       ;     return 1;
       BLE FIB_END                      ;   }
       SUB R0, R4, #2                   ;   i = n-2;
       BL FIB                           ;   i = fib(i);
       MOV R5, R0                       ;   tmp = i;
       SUB R0, R4, #1                   ;   i = n-1;
       BL FIB                           ;   i = fib(i);
       ADD R0, R0, R5                   ;   i = i + tmp;
    FIB_END                             ;   return i;
       LDMIA SP!, {R4,R5,R6,PC}         ;  }

    It should terminate with R0 containing fib(6) == 8. Of course this code is very inefficient as it repeatedly calls FIB for the same values.

    The STM is needed so you can use registers r4,r5 because another function call can change r0-r3 and LR. Pushing LR and popping PC is like B LR. If you were calling C code you should push an even number of registers to keep SP 64-bit aligned (we don't really need to do that here; ignore R6).