I downloaded a script to download historical data from google, however, it only downloaded the data only for a year but I wanna download all the data, but the script has the start date for the data
# Make sure data.table is installed
if(!'data.table' %in% installed.packages()[,1])
# Function to fetch google stock data
google <- function(sym, current = TRUE, sy = 2005, sm = 1, sd = 1, ey,
em, ed)
system_time <- as.character(Sys.time())
ey <- as.numeric(substr(system_time, start = 1, stop = 4))
em <- as.numeric(substr(system_time, start = 6, stop = 7))
ed <- as.numeric(substr(system_time, start = 9, stop = 10))
google_out = tryCatch(
"?q=", sym,
"&startdate=", paste(sm, sd, sy, sep = "+"),
"&enddate=", paste(em, ed, ey, sep = "+"),
"&output=csv"), sep = ",")),
error = function(e) NULL)
names(google_out)[1] = "Date"
It only downloaded 2016 to 2017 data, but anyone can advise me why ? Thank you.
I think your answer lies here : https://chrisconlan.com/download-historical-stock-data-google-r-python/ :
"the Google Finance API stopped taking requests at this URL. It only returns a year’s worth of daily data as of the time of writing".